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Messages - Fjeksulr

Pages: [1]
Famcraft Survival / Re: Villagers in FamCraft
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:35:53 PM »
Ah, of course. I thought I had enough doors, but I didn't.
Got three babies running around now. :)

But I'm still lacking a farmer, though.  So I guess I have to feed them myself for a little while longer.

Famcraft Survival / Re: Villagers in FamCraft
« on: February 15, 2017, 02:55:58 PM »
What does the villager spawner do?

I just now fed my five villagers 25x64 carrots. And they keep "eating" them. I thought each villager only needed 12 carrots to be "willing"?

(I'm hoping to get a farmer villager, so he can feed the rest. : )


Famcraft Survival / Villagers in FamCraft
« on: February 11, 2017, 03:22:01 PM »
Most villages I find, when travelling around FamCraft seem desolated, or near extinction.

Do villagers actually breed in FamCraft?

I've trapped four villagers inside a house to avoid them being killed; fed them lots of food, traded with them, and seen the 'willing' sparkles above their heads.
But so far, I have never seen them breed.

 Is this disabled, or have I just done something wrong?


General Discussion / Re: Where Are You From?
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:00:48 AM »
One from Norway!
(Not quite Sweden, but close. : )

Plea to be unbanned / Not yet banned...
« on: December 31, 2014, 07:23:30 PM »
... but I managed to use all but the last warning of the swear filter today.

One of them, I admit to. (Although, I thought it was within the limit.) But the other two I'm not sure why triggered a warning. 

Therefore, a few questions:
Will the warning counter be reset after a given time with no more offences?

Can you please enlighten me about the other two words that triggered a warning?

If my offences are not considered rude. Can the counter be reset manually? (Or will I forever risk being kicked out in the middled of a game, if I step over the line that I roughly knows where is?)

And last question: Having English as a second language it is a bit difficult to know the correct shade of every word. Could you please provide a few examples of exclamations, that _are_ allowed? (When, let' say a creeper sneaks up behind you and you loose a lot of stuff.) What is accepted?

I'm all for the swear ban.  Which is why I'm checking out if FamCraft is suitable for my kids.  And I hope I'm not being banned, while meaning no harm.


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