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Messages - ninjastar

Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / Re: A Plea to be Unbanned
« on: January 03, 2019, 11:49:30 AM »
Thank you for your quick reply. I am disappointed in myself for saying what I did. Of course, perm ban me if I do anything of the sort here again. Thanks!


Plea to be unbanned / A Plea to be Unbanned
« on: January 02, 2019, 11:30:21 PM »
I know exactly what I did wrong. I am extremely sorry for it. I said in /clanchat (I didn't mean for it to look as secretive as it did, I would never even try to hide anything from you admins xD) Let's build a mall! and then in the next message came the inappropriate part. "[Removed by admin]" I realize that this was both extremely offensive, and inappropriate. Even more so that I meant it as a joke. I fully deserved to be banned for this. I know that this 100% your decision whether this is a permanent ban, or just a temporary ban. I fully agree with you in whatever you decide as I deserve to be punished because I need to learn my lesson. Again, I apologize fully and hope that you guys are able to forgive me. I know that this kind of offence can lead to extremely long bans and even perm bans. If I am unbanned, I should definitely review all of the rules at /spawn. I admit that I forgot about the no politics rule, which means that I should look at the rules more often to remind myself. This server has taught me a lot of things about Geology, and Economy and other educational subjects. To fix what I said, I will apologize to DominicBXYRD for telling her that in /clanchat (as she was the only one on that was in my clan). I will never mention anything either offensive, or involving anything, or anyone involved in politics. I love FamCraft. It was the very first time I played Minecraft and Famcraft both welcomed me and accepted me. Famcraft is very important to me, as i'm sure it is to many. I know this is a family-friendly server, which just adds more to the fact that I should NOT have said what I did. If you do not decide to unban me, I accept your decision and Thank you for creating such a friendly server that teaches so much to other people :D! I also understand that I have had several issues in the past (ex. Leaving my dogs in public places and being unkind to my brother). I have enjoyed playing with y'all whatever you decide. Thank you for your time.

                                                                                                                                 -TheFlamingApollo (~Hero)

Plea to be unbanned / Plea to be unbanned
« on: August 24, 2016, 11:19:45 AM »
Hello -- this is Wolverine Peter/herobrine153 + ninjastar's Mom. This was posted below but I think it must have been in a wrong thread, and also is confusing as it's posted as being from ninjastar. I've tried logging in with the email Peter uses, but it just says that it does not exist -- even though when I requested for the password to be reset it did come to the correct email. I'm not sure how to fix this. Our sons are not playing minecraft much anymore, but Peter would like to see if he can get unbanned as he's been banned for awhile now.

dear rubenscherub,           

 I have been away alot this summer so when I got back and saw that I was banned and I could'nt figure out why, then it hit me, my brother (ninja star) had been teasing me and saying some really not nice things outside the server not on the computer and I said something not very nice accidentally on the server it confused me because I had been talking to someone else and personally I was talking to ninja star so I accidentally typed something bad to ninja star when I didn't mean to I am very sorry for spamming I understand that is one of the main rules of Famcraft and I definetly did NOT mean to break I completely understand if you don't unban me I love this server and did not mean to spam.

                                                                            sincerely, herobrine153 (Wolverinepeter

Plea to be unbanned / Re: Wolverine Peter's Ban
« on: August 21, 2016, 08:07:34 PM »
          dear rubenscherub,           

 I have been away alot this summer so when I got back and saw that I was banned and I could'nt figure out why, then it hit me, my brother (ninja star) had been teasing me and saying some really not nice things outside the server not on the computer and I said something not very nice accidentally on the server it confused me because I had been talking to someone else and personally I was talking to ninja star so I accidentally typed something bad to ninja star when I didn't mean to I am very sorry for spamming I understand that is one of the main rules of Famcraft and I definetly did NOT mean to break I completely understand if you don't unban me I love this server and did not mean to spam.

                                                                            sincerely, herobrine153 (Wolverinepeter)

I am ninjastar's Mom and his brother and him tried to post a plea for him to be unbanned a few days ago but said they had no response and ninjastar is still banned so he has asked me for some help. He's 8 years old so he needs some help sometimes.

He believes that he has been banned for leaving dogs in the mall -- his brother and he both have this issue. If this is not the reason for his ban, please let us know.

I will get him to write out an apology or plea himself once we receive confirmation on the reason. I was just going to leave him banned as I figured it was a 3 day ban but it's been a few days more than that.


Ninjastar's Mom

Plea to be unbanned / Re: Wolverine Peter's Ban
« on: June 13, 2016, 07:41:48 PM »
dear rubenscherub

I really do hope that you can forgive me for everything I have done wrong when I left my dogs at the mall I knew they were there I was about to go get them but my mom said she and my dad were going out with friends and they were going to drop us off at our grandmothers house so, I knew I had to disconnect I was really hoping I wouldn't get banned so I went to my grandmothers house with my brother. about two hours later we got back home I decided to play minecraft well, it said '' you have been banned plea at famcraft.com'' I was confused for a moment and then remembered that I had left one of my wolves seated at the public server mall I know I did something wrong and also know I have been warned and banned for this situation several times I love this server but if you are not able to let me back on I understand completely because I have done this mistake many times and completely understand that it is wrong if you do unban me I will try to delete all my wolves if you don't I just want you to know how great a server this is and absolutely don't want to be wrecking it for other people

sincerely, herobrine153 (wolverine peter)

Plea to be unbanned / Re: Wolverine Peter's Ban
« on: May 23, 2016, 12:40:18 PM »
Thank you so much I am happy that you deleted the dogs they were getting a little hyper anyway (lol).

Thank you for the advice! I will make sure they follow me or not take them to public places.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: Wolverine Peter's Ban
« on: May 23, 2016, 10:06:13 AM »
This is Peter I am very sorry for leaving my wolves at the mall but when I type call-wolves sometimes they don't come I will consider getting Rid of ALL my wolves if that's what I need to do but that's all I can say is that I am really sorry and will never do it again.

(Peter's parent -- he's hoping he doesn't need to get rid of his wolves, and it appears he has learned from this -- but I honestly believe that he didn't realize they were left there.)

Thanks for listening to our plea.

Plea to be unbanned / Wolverine Peter's Ban
« on: May 23, 2016, 12:10:55 AM »
Hello -- I am a parent to both Ninja Star and Wolverine Peter on Famcraft. Wolverine Peter received a ban tonight and we are working on getting to the bottom of why he was banned.

His brother has received a 24 hour ban before, but WP has not. He was guessing it was because he ate some birthday cake, but thought he had permission from another player.

I know they like to breed the animals, and I hope that he wasn't being disrespectful to another player's buildings.

We hope that you are able to lift his ban, but we first want to make sure we know the reason so that we help ensure he does not do it again. Both our boys love this server and have enjoyed learning more about minecraft.

Thanks for your time.

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