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Messages - UnsayingEgg7764

Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / Re: plea to be unbanned
« on: September 05, 2016, 05:13:17 AM »
Thanks, sounds fair enough. Will be back with a consistent and non-offensive name!

Plea to be unbanned / plea to be unbanned
« on: September 03, 2016, 04:15:16 AM »
Hi there - I entered the server for the first time, and within about 10 seconds (after two very friendly welcome messages) got banned. No reason was given. I had not moved at all, just trying to get my bearings and read the various signs (I'm a minecraft newbie and simply wanted to check the server out before letting my son lose). I'm very sorry if anything I did or didn't do broke any rules - if you give me a chance to come back (and ideally let me know what I may have done wrong) I'd be very grateful as I read so many great things about this server. My game name is (meant to be) UnsayingEgg7764, although for some reason I also seem to appear as 'Name Removed' (you can spot the minecraft expert here...) Many thanks!

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