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Messages - NetherLordPvP

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My son Tripp is 7 years old, NetherLordPvP on Minecraft. We went over the rules together before joining a few months ago (when his name was Enderbuilder1) and he was so excited to start playing! (He has never had any issues on other family servers like [removed name], which he plays kindly on everyday.) He was having a great time until one day, everything he had kept disappearing, or being erased. His ranks, his jobs, things he farmed with, iron generator, etc. He couldn't figure out why this was happening, but noticed it was after he left to go play Parkour, and when he came back, all of his stuff was gone. He made the mistake of logging out and then back in, apparently too many times, hoping it would somehow reset his stuff and make it appear again. This caused him to be banned, due to all the loging in and out, I assume. This happened when I was putting baby brother down for a nap, so I wasn't aware it was happening. He became frustrated and didn't know how to fix it, which is why he logged in and out so much, hoping something would fix itself. We aren't sure if it was supposed to be a temporary or permanent ban, but it's been a couple months now and still wont let him in, so we're hoping that you're able to assist us and see that this really was an honest mistake by a flustered second grader. We appreciate your time and help! Tripp plays on other family servers and is always fun, helpful with others, and never intentionally breaks rules. He's a sweet boy and good friend, and he's really hoping to get back to playing with y'all again. He's definitely learned his lesson!

Thanks again,


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