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Messages - pterrr

Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / Re: Plea for Second Chance
« on: May 09, 2018, 02:48:10 PM »
I understand this, and have read through the rules multiple times. What I don't understand is how the staff handled this, it's really frustrating when all you see is a plugins pop up warning in chat. I'd really appreciate a second chance, please... I'm sorry.

Plea to be unbanned / Plea for Second Chance
« on: April 30, 2018, 09:22:34 PM »
Hello. I am pterrr. I logged onto Famcraft a couple of days ago (not for the first time, but first time recently) and tried to talk, I can't remember exactly what I typed, but I got a response from the NoSwear swear filter. I continued to try to talk and multiply got the NoSwear notification. I ask a few questions and continued. I again tried to talk in chat and was greeted with a big NoSwear filter message. Out of peer frustration I said something in the range of "Your swear filter sucks" or something. Then immediately, without warning, got banned. I was quite confused to be honest, for the reason was: "<3". I tried to go to the forums to plea immediately and got a big error message, I tried contacting admins to get nothing but changing my banned reason to: "One person's trash is another person's treasure. <3". This was really frustrating, finally I got through and got my account on the forums and  here I am. :)

Look I understand that I did something wrong, and I would really appreciate getting a second chance. I was, and am, eager to play on Famcraft for the survival world and family-friendly community. I understand the rules, for I have read through them multiple times since my ban. If you do choose to pardon me, I promise not to repeat this, and in all stay away from chat. I came to Famcraft because it was a family-friendly community and to play with my younger brother. Again, I would really appreciate a second chance, and I am deeply sorry for the trouble I caused.

EDIT: I realized looking back at this that I never clarified that what I was typing was in no way inappropriate or against the rules, until I said this swear filter sucks.


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