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Messages - Blueboo1

Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / plea to be unbaned
« on: September 04, 2020, 07:02:16 PM »
Look it has been a yea and a half.  I wont to it again.  My sin is getting excited and proud of what I have done, but I understand you warned me too many times.  Its a game, I play better, but the people on your game are awesome, and it is those I miss.   I ask that you let me know one way or another.   I'll understand your dessision.

Plea to be unbanned / Request to be unband
« on: October 28, 2019, 09:09:10 PM »
Dear Admins of Famcraft.
To say I was stupid is an understatement.  RubansCherub, You tried as hard as you could to warn me, and gave me so many chances, that yes, I really dont deserve another, But if I can be forgiven, I can tell you that you made your point.  I was foolish in my pride of what I had built that I just wanted to share.  But, the rules are the rules, and for a reason.  So I left you no choice but to ban me, and for that I am sorry.  My hope is that in time you can forgive me and give me one more chance.  If so, I can promise you I will not let you down.  This was new to me in the sense of not sharing info, but that is not an excuse, You let me know nore than I deserved.  I await your desidition.  Thank you for your time and understanding.


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