Thank you for taking the time to help CreamofWheat29 post a plea.
A home outside of Random StarGate #1 had been griefed by a total of six players. This included infinitymana and creamofwheat29. Each player involved was banned. These bans may have varied in length depending on the players past record with us. Creamofwheat29 was banned for one day for griefing as she had no other history of issues. We take the griefing rules very seriously here.
Infinitymana was not banned because he was banned for something else shortly after the time the grief occurred, and we knew you had already had the chance to review the rules with him. He has since been doing just fine here
![Cool 8)](
Shortly after CreamofWheat29 was banned 1 day for griefing, it was found that she had walked past the rules signs at the free farm, and taken only the parts of the mushroom she needed. Again, not removing the entire mushroom makes it so no more can grow for other players. At this time, her ban was upped to a three day tempban.
As with infinitymana, if you would like to review the rules with her, and stress the importance of taking the whole tree/mushroom and replanting as well as not griefing here, then post a reply letting us know she understands, we can try to get her back on here sooner.
We log every block transacton, item transaction and entity transaction on the server, so we can always tell who did what. If it helps eith your discussion/rule review, here are some things that count as griefing-
* Removing any block another player placed without that player's permission
*Placing a protection stone in another player's area
*Harvesting another player's crops without their permission
*Killing another player's animals without their permission
*Claiming/protecting another players pet without permission (Example: taming a wolf, protectign a horse)
*Removing/changing landscape features in another players "yard" (What is directly visible from their home)
*Placing blocks in another player's area without permission
*Taking items from another player's chest without permission (Stealing/griefing)
*Keeping a players items after PvP if you did not agree to at first (Stealing)
*Not replanting at public/shared/clan farms