
Author Topic: Banned Kid  (Read 3291 times)

Offline cleevis

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Banned Kid
« Opened on March 13, 2016, 04:00:37 PM »
My child - AceHammer - was banned last night. I wasn't around and am hoping someone can explain the circumstances. Evidently she may have been sharing personal info but I'm not sure. She's also telling me about being booted from a clan and having her stuff taken. All very confusing to me though.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Kid
« Reply #1 on March 13, 2016, 05:29:20 PM »
 Ace was kicked from a clan she had joined. I am not certain why she was kicked, but clan leaders are allowed to kick members from their clan as needed.
 Ace was asked VERY nicely countless times by the clan leader to remove her items from the clan area. She flatly refused. She was then asked countless times by staff members to remove her items- again, she flatly refused, often with a firm "No."

 I am an Admin, and I also got involved in the situation. I told her she absolutely had to remove the items from the location or she would be banned. I was told "NO".

 At one point she claimed she did not know where to put the items. She was told step by step exactly what to do - yet she continued to refuse.

 We are only willing to spend so much time begging a single player to follow the rules or do as they are asked. I finally gave her a 5 minute time limit and let her know if I did not see her removing her items from the clan base by the time was up, she would be banned.

 Upon being given 5 minutes to remove her items, she said "I am leaving" and logged off. Instead of banning her immediately, I waited out the 5 minutes. She did log back in, but only to continue not listening. Other players even offered to help her, but she preferred to leave her things where they were.

 Given the number of players and staff involved and the number of times she flatly refused to do what was asked of her, she was perm-banned.

 I hope this helps you to understand a bit more about this situation.


Offline cleevis

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Re: Banned Kid
« Reply #2 on March 13, 2016, 06:01:16 PM »
Thank you for the info. I'll have a talk with her and determine whether she deserves an attempt at a plea.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Kid
« Reply #3 on March 13, 2016, 06:06:46 PM »
 I have also learned she was kicked from the clan for stealing from another clan member. We absolutely do not allow griefing and stealing on this server.

Offline cleevis

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Re: Banned Kid
« Reply #4 on March 13, 2016, 09:13:55 PM »
This is Ace, i am very sorry for not following the instructions given to me. i did not mean to steal the heads because,  i did know they were someone else's but i just meant to borrow them and see how they looked on my wall with my own heads, and after a while i forgot to put them back. i will try and explain that to mcLegend19.
In the future i will follow any instructions given by staff members and not ignore them or argue. i was confused and worried about my stuff getting stolen. My dad and i have gone over the rules again, including the fact that there is no stealing in famcraft!!

please forgive my actions, i will work hard to follow the rules.

Offline cleevis

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Re: Banned Kid
« Reply #5 on March 17, 2016, 09:34:16 PM »
I'm checking in on behalf of my daughter to find out if her ban plea has been seen (previous message) and whether there's a verdict.
We appreciate your time.

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Re: Banned Kid
« Reply #6 on March 19, 2016, 02:13:06 AM (Edited March 19, 2016, 02:41:54 AM) »

 Your ban has been lifted. Please make sure in the future you make every effort to work with staff when we try to discuss a situation with you. You can often easily avoid a ban by simply paying attention and doing as staff asks you to do.
 We will see you on the server.     -RubensCherub

Offline cleevis

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Re: Banned Kid
« Reply #7 on March 19, 2016, 08:43:10 PM »
thank you for the lift. i do really like your server and hope to be on a long time.

 _ ace

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Kid
« Reply #8 on March 19, 2016, 10:13:41 PM »
 Ace, You did not make a very good impression upon your return. If you truly hope to play here for a long time, then you'll have to  understand this sort of thing is not acceptable in chat:

[21:36] <+Famcraft18> (09AceHammer) terdfegrfhtrfgfytegrgtterjyhmiujhnykjou.;o'[;p

 Please do not let me see this again.