
Author Topic: 4th of July Event  (Read 3313 times)

Offline TheMiningGecko

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4th of July Event
« Opened on July 03, 2019, 06:18:07 PM (Edited July 03, 2019, 06:20:18 PM) »
Last year I made a fireworks display for 4th of July heres the story for this year: Me and my friend made a few Structures that we left signs around, the signs state that we are allowing people to loot them. Your job is to find them, and loot them, then turn in the prize codes to get: Prizes!
Here's how to find the structures:
1. Go to random 2
2. Go to cords: X: -285817, Y: 63, Z: 713784
3. Look around and get looting!

DISCLAIMER!: Look for signs before looting so you don't loot something you aren't supposed to!
Don't bother asking why my profile pic is a cracked iron golem...