
Author Topic: Banned for offensive skin, so I changed it.  (Read 11944 times)

Offline MrTran

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Banned for offensive skin, so I changed it.
« Opened on July 15, 2012, 05:04:31 PM (Edited July 15, 2012, 09:45:05 PM) »
The title states it all.

My username is "MrTran". I was banned for having a offensive skin, which was a naked male negro. I changed my skin to a something that is not offensive nor does it have any nudity; it's a clothed caveman.

I am sorry to anyone that I may have offended with my previous skin, I am hoping my apology and change will be enough to get my account unbanned.

Thank you for reading.

Offline MrTran

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Re: Banned for offensive skin, so I changed it.
« Reply #1 on July 15, 2012, 05:25:49 PM »
So, while waiting for my account to get unbanned, I logged onto the server with my friends account, "Kariilove". I was enjoying the tour until I got banned. Reason is "MrTran duplicate". I was banned without warning, just straight up banned.

I already changed my skin on the other banned account, so I don't understand what's the problem. I'm just asking if I can get unbanned because this seems silly to be banned again. :l

Offline bknysnake

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Re: Banned for offensive skin, so I changed it.
« Reply #2 on July 15, 2012, 05:30:23 PM »
You are banned, until we don't unban your first account you can't join with any other. You should have read the  rules the first time. We are currently investigating the situation. We will get back to you.

Offline JoeMaster13

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Re: Banned for offensive skin, so I changed it.
« Reply #3 on July 15, 2012, 05:42:07 PM »
Bk did he have the offensive skin before or after he read the rules? Because he could have just worn the skin when he joined and was never warned about it and could have been banned before he have read the rules. On the other hand he could have been warned and he just simply ignored the other players and kept the skin. I say we should ask MrTran,staff,and other witnesses to find out what really happened.
Feel free to send me a PM on the forums anytime :D

Offline micahdg

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Re: Banned for offensive skin, so I changed it.
« Reply #4 on July 15, 2012, 05:49:28 PM »
Interviewing "other witnesses" is a huge waste of our time, Joe. There's no due process here. This is not the US legal system.

It was recorded that MrTran logged in, ran past the wall of rules without reading them, and ignored requests to return and read them issued by a mod online at the time.
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Offline roadkilered

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Re: Banned for offensive skin, so I changed it.
« Reply #5 on July 15, 2012, 08:03:08 PM »
Okay Mrtran you have been unbanned. Please take time to read the rules and abide by them. We're sure you're a great player but we have our rules to uphold so that our server continues to be a safe, fun and respectful server for all ages. We do not commend racist skins or  the disregard for any our rules. Next time you break one,  be sure the consequences will be much greater. Have a nice day.