This is the final plea we will consider for you over drama-related issues.
Drama makes people tired. It does not promote a relaxing family friendly environment. It stresses people out and builds tension in the community. As much as we have enjoyed having you with us all these months, we will simply not allow any one player (or group of players) to change the atmosphere of a server that is intended as a place to have fun.
Everyone here works, has school or has other things going on- each with their own fair share of irl stress and/or drama. We absolutely do not need it here on this server.
This server is a place to enjoy your time by playing a game. There should be no discussion of other servers. There should be no constant whining, nit-picking or complaining. If you have an actual issue, you need to contact staff.
Rage or pout quitting every five minutes when you do not feel like you are getting your way is not an acceptable way to handle anything in any game OR in real life.
If the game is too much for you or you are currently unhappy about a situation that does not require staff assistance, then you need to quietly, politely leave and go enjoy a book or movie or take a nap until you feel ready to come back and play nicely.
If you can't think of something else to do on your own, ask family members if they need any help around the house. It's easy to get your mind off the game for a few minutes and come back when you are ready.
If you are banned again, I can't promise you will be allowed to return. I want you to think about this very carefully before you log back in. I am removing your ban now. We will look forward to seeing you back on the server.