
Author Topic: temp ban 3 days  (Read 2456 times)

Offline warlord_625

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temp ban 3 days
« Opened on August 12, 2015, 11:16:29 AM »
ok so i was banned for 3 days. may i plz be unbanned orat least be voiced on IRC? I promise i will do my best to nott get into any trouble. thank you :D
By: me warlord_625!

Offline warlord_625

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Re: temp ban 3 days
« Reply #1 on August 12, 2015, 11:20:05 AM »
(i would love to be unbanned quickly because ths is the best server ever all the caring nice staff and everything i am truly sorry for what ive done in the pastbut now in the present i will never do it again i just really like the server and want to play with all my friends on it!)
By: me warlord_625!

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: temp ban 3 days
« Reply #2 on August 12, 2015, 12:41:36 PM »
 Not only will you not be unbanned "quickly", I have upped your ban from a 3 day temp ban to a permanent ban.

 We absolutely will not ever tolerate references of that nature on this server.

 Please speak with your parents, grandparents, history teacher or another adult you trust. Tell them exactly what you said here on our family friendly server- including the cutesy little "xD ikr" and see if they can help you understand why this will never be acceptable here.

 After you've educated yourself on what you said and at least ONE FULL WEEK has passed, you may post a plea again. It needs to be sincere and you will need to inform me that you've spoken with an adult and you understand the seriousness of what you said. DO NOT include the name of the person you mentioned that got you banned in the plea. At this point if I am convinced you understand the problem, you will be allowed to return to the server.

 DO NOT reply here before Wed. Aug. 19, 2015 or you will also be banned from the forum. Do not make any forum posts or attempt to join irc. Do not join Famcraft on an alternate player account. If you do any of these things, you will never be unbanned on this server. And before you complain about the way this is being handled, please know there is usually NO plea option at all for that type of reference on this server.

 I will look forward to hearing from you in one week.