Treat has been open for all players to join for quite some time now, but I think that Treat has actually becoming Treat right about... NOW! All this time I've been simply TALKING about doing all these amazing things like, every kind of farm and animal places, but now they are here and I'm inviting you to take part in enjoying them all!
I, FrodoRose, want you to join Treat and help us to grow even larger than we are now! I am not online very often, that is why I need a leader that I can promote to help me lead Treat! All of you guys have helped me and supported me, and now I want to thank you for all of that, so, Thank you!

Treat has all of these things in the time being: 1.very large farms for every food but coca beans 2.Very large tree farm 3.A bakery 4.a public chest 5.3 long parkour tracks 6.A place to keep your animals 7.A small parkour track 8.A mine egg farm 10.a cobblestone farm 11.a sign including your Minecraft name 12.Plots for you to build on 13.A mob spawner 14.a GREAT community full of friends!
Treat is working on getting: 1.An Iron golem farm 2.A cocoa bean farm 3. YOU! =D
We need you to help expand Treat and expand the amount of people in it! If you are interested in becoming a TastyTreat, mail FrodoRose! Example: /Mail send FrodoRose I want to join Treat! =)