
Author Topic: why was I banned?  (Read 3624 times)

Offline gameknight19

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why was I banned?
« Opened on February 28, 2016, 04:57:45 PM »
I was wondering why I was banned? I started playing with my brother on Friday, and I was also accepted into a clan, I am not aware of why I was banned, so if someone knows why, I would appreciate it.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: why was I banned?
« Reply #1 on February 28, 2016, 05:47:02 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to inquire about your ban.

 We have very strict replanting rules here on Famcraft. We also have many signs and other notices around reminding you to please replant.

 The public farms are for all players to use. If you take things from the farm and then do not replant then there is nothing for the next players to share.

 We do log every block transaction on the server. Our records show you rook all the cane at the public farm ( including the bottom cane! ) and did not replant.

 I hope this helps you to understand more about why you were banned and provides the information you need in order to make a plea.

 Thanks!  -RubensCherub

Offline gameknight19

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Re: why was I banned?
« Reply #2 on February 28, 2016, 05:52:30 PM »
I was not aware of this, and I will replant the if I am allowed on again, and I am sorry that I didn't replant, and that will never happen again, and I would love to donate all of the cane that I took, and I would replant it too. I am sorry for not paying attention to this, and It will never happen again.

Sincerely, Gameknight19