
Author Topic: Plea To Be unbanned! hhushkyy  (Read 2397 times)

Offline hhushkyy

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Plea To Be unbanned! hhushkyy
« Opened on January 14, 2017, 01:38:35 PM (Edited January 14, 2017, 11:08:35 PM) »
Dear Famcraft Staff,

So this morning at around 5:15 am EST (Australia) I tried to join Famcraft. The Time I got off The famcraft Survival Server was around 8:30 - 9:00 PM During the time of 9 pm and 5:15 am I hadn't been on. Now If Some incident did occur during the times before 8:30 pm and Earlier I am Sorry, but I do not recall doing anything wrong. Yesterday My friends and I where building a Big Underground castle with minecarts and everything. I also did attended to the Farm at /warp Farm but once I collected The crops I then Started to replant them straight away. I did also go to the Mall but I did not recall doing anything wrong there, I also do recall Speaking a different language and Mentioning YouTubers In the chat but once Angel told me to stop I did so Straight away, If the reason why I have been banned is because I harvested wheat from a Little Farm in A Bunker And I did Have permission from my friends that first created it, Or if it is from a House That I removed Items from that Was originally My house that I built, My Previous Minecraft name when I placed the Emerald Blocks Was HuskyMooshroomz,These Reasons above ^^ are the things I recall doing yesterday, if I did Miss anything out and that Is the reason why I have been banned, I am Deeply Sorry, I did Not intend to do what every happened and If I am Told about what It is I will make sure not to do it again. This Server Is one of my Favorite And the first server I returned back to after not playing Minecraft For A while and I don't wont to get banned on it

Sincerely, Husky aka hhushkyy
Words Made In Bold A Describing what I recall.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea To Be unbanned! hhushkyy
« Reply #1 on January 17, 2017, 11:39:46 PM »
 This reply will be used on all related ban pleas.

 You and your friends were reminded to use "English Only" in chat. You were all banned when a couple of you continued after being asked nicely to stop. You were not banned immediately only because the admin team did not see it till a bit later while we were reviewing the chat logs.

 Additionally, you were banned for making an extremely tacky joke about "comptonese". That type of statement absolutely will not be tolerated on Famcraft. It is not cute or funny. It's not witty or clever. It was entirely uncalled for and if we ever see anything like it again you will not be welcome back.

 Famcraft is strictly family friendly. We ask that all rules are followed, that you pay attention to staff guidance, and that you think before you speak while on this server.

 I am going to unban all of you this time as we've never had any issues like this in the past. Please make every effort to follow the rules. We will see you on the server.

Offline hhushkyy

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Re: Plea To Be unbanned! hhushkyy
« Reply #2 on January 18, 2017, 04:48:32 AM »
Thank You Soooo Much  :) 8)