
Author Topic: GamingxRelic Ban Appeal  (Read 3382 times)

Offline GamingxRelic

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GamingxRelic Ban Appeal
« Opened on January 21, 2017, 06:42:38 PM (Edited January 23, 2017, 06:57:13 PM) »
Dear FamCraft Admins and Mods,
                                                     On January 20, 2017  around 8:30 PM I was banned for avoiding chat filter. I fully understand what I have done and I swear to never do it again. Therefore I beg for a unban. I do understand if I cannot be unbanned, its just Famcraft is my favorite server. I had only played on it for two days and it was already my favorite server. From the plugins to the community, I love it. I fully understand that I broke rule #2. I have learned my lesson... I am so sorry =(. I have the best hopes that you can hear me out and unban me. If not, I understand.
                                                                                                           Sincerly, GamingxRelic or Aidan