The Shaolyn Warrior clan originated from the Laces clan.
It began when Lovelylaces decided to make her own clan. She wanted a clan of honor, integrity, loyalty, and kindness. But before she took action to create a clan, she had to find a clan home.
So Lovelylaces set out for an adventure. She crossed the vast oceans and through thick forests, climbed tall mountains and ran through the hot desert. She survived night after night from the terrors of the monsters.
Then she finally came upon an island, beautiful and alone in the cool blue waters.
Unable to think of a name, she titled it the Laces clan. However, upon an accidental incident, the Laces clan crumbled (I accidentally disbanded it). So she had to rebuild the clan all over from ground up (create a new name). And upon this, came the creation of the Shaolyn Warrior clan.
Throughout these events, others began to join the clan. Zhiyoong, Babylandshark, and other great friends. Soon the clan began to fill with more and more wonderful people. Babylandshark soon became co-leader of the clan.
The Shaolyn Warrior clan is a clan of friendships and kindness. We are here to defend our lands and fight against the evils of Famcraftopia.
(and be silly)
If you would like to join us, please leave a comment below or ask Baby or Lovelylaces. However, our clan is one of strict guidelines. You must be kind and helpful to join our clan. We will not have tyrants or anything of the such within our group. You must not have previous crimes (if you do, be honest and talk to us. We are understanding).
Once in the clan you must follow the rules displayed below.
We look forward to hearing from you.
*soon to come will be Babylandshark's tale of how Shaolyn Warriors came to be. For without him, this clan would not stand as it is today.