
Author Topic: Username and Skin  (Read 26856 times)

Offline ParagliderPanda

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #45 on July 12, 2014, 04:21:52 PM »
Yo, it's my turn. My name is SuperDude38. I picked this name because I am Superman and I am a Dude who is 38 centuries old. My skin is a 4 dimensional worm hole that is trapped in a 7 dimensional worm hole that is 10 times bigger than the 4 dimensional one. I picked this skin because it makes me feel smart.

But srsly, my name is fuz7ybob. My skin is an army man from the future that is secretly from the present. So... it is just an army man. I chose this name and skin because I have a soft spot for fuzzy animals (laugh at me if you want), 7 is a lucky number and "bob" is just a common name. My name isn't actually Robert. I chose my skin because my childhood consisted of going to the park, and playing with those green, little army guys-dudes.

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Offline ApolloMew

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #46 on July 12, 2014, 04:58:29 PM »
Well. I guess it should be my turn then.

I got this game when it was in Beta 1.4. or roughly...2 years ago? Maybe more, maybe less. I chose the Super in my name because it just sounded cool to me at the time. I chose Mickey because my grandma had 2 cats we called Mylo and Tuffy. They were kittens when we got them and we just liked the names cause it fit their sizes. Eventually, Tuffy disappeared, we don't know what happened to him, but he is missing, we decided to change Mylo's name since it was kind of...babyish. I don't know a better term. We decided to change the cat's name to Mickey. That's where I got the Mickey in my name, not from Mickey Mouse XD.
I chose the 24 in my name because it was my favourite number at the time, and I thought the username Supermickey24 looked cool.

I don't really have a favourite number anymore, but I still have a bit of <3 for 24.

My skin that I usually wear, (not the suit skin I wear atm.) is the skin I made. I first made a skin that was very similar to it for a contest. I won 3rd place :D. I later got a new PC and forgot to add my skin folder to my USB stick. So I lost the skin, but I made a replica off my memory for the skin. So that's my story lol

Offline bknysnake

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #47 on July 16, 2014, 01:44:56 PM »
Thus begins the story!

My name as some of you already know is bknysnake, this stands for Brooklyn New York snake. When I was younger, at the age of ^ageless, I started training for kick boxing, I then got interested in tae kwon doe, finally went into boxing. I started to box professionally at a local gym. After a few fights, I then joined a competition. The competition required I win 10 fights out of 18. I figured I would win the fights as the people I used to fight at my gym were fairly easy, so I figured these guys would be the same. Each fight was 5 rounds 3 minutes each round. I won the first 7 fights, 2 out of lucky KO's. On my 8th fight, I was approached by what looked to me as a robot. I won't lie, I thought this was a lose for me, first round, after about 2 minutes and a half, he hit me with a punch I would never forget, I was very close to hitting the ground, but I managed to get my balance together. 2nd round he hit me with the same punch half way through, and I fell on the ground, thinking to myself I should just give up, the punches were really hard, instead I got back up, the round ended, and my trainer told me to not let him in. 3rd round, I figured to keep a look out for that punch and avoid it at all cost. As I expected, he swung with his right trying to land that same punch, but I managed to sneak a punch through that knocked the opponent flat out on the ground. This punch earned me the name snake. After that fight, I forfeited the competition, and quit boxing because I felt this sport was a bit too much for me, I figured this guy could make me feel this way, what would other boxers I would meet along the way make me feel like? lol. I was born in Brooklyn New York, leaving me with the name bknysnake.

As for my skin, I've always been the type of guy that likes to have fancy clothe in games lol, so I looked for a skin with a suit.

Offline dcm121kd35

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #48 on July 16, 2014, 01:53:54 PM »
dcm is the initials in my name, 121 is random :P and kd 35 is my favorite basketball players initials and number. (Kevin Durant number 35 :P)

My skin is a custom skin that I made to look like me :3

Offline Funkgirl

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #49 on July 16, 2014, 02:02:21 PM »
I share this account with my sister. We couldn't, for the life of us, agree on a name. So my dad was chosen to chose the chosen name. Since we are both girls xD, and our last name is Funk..FunkGirl was born! I originally had a more..covering?...skin. xD I had edited it from one I really like to look more like me. Then TheLone1yHermit (absolutely amazing at skin work) was like, "I dislike your skin and shall make you a better one!" He suceeded. But I changed the shoes. xD

Offline TheAwesome_Miner

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #50 on July 18, 2014, 09:57:28 PM »
Err, well, my first account, (Until I lost it) was called 1ST_Miner. When I first started Minecraft I LOVED mining. The thrills! The ores! The occasional bit where I get lost! When I lost my account, I thought about the usually things I said, and "Awesome" was the one, so I put together Awesome and Miner, (Also I added "the" just because :P)

For my skin, I wasn't very original, or creative, so I looked around for AGES looking for one a like. I came across this one skin, I thought it was the best skin ever! So I got it.

Ta daaa!


Offline wilsondhp

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #51 on July 21, 2014, 01:02:14 PM »
I chose my username, well actually, I didn't, my dad did. If I would have chose my username, it would be The_Ender_Mage. My skin is an enderman with white eyes and wearing a robe. I chose this because I also thought it looked cool and fitted my style a mysterious and outgoing personality. Btw, my name isn't Wilson IRL. I can't tell you what it is. So there you go, my Minecraft account. I didn't want my name, but what can you do.
Is there a way to change your name? Guess we'll never know.
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Offline ~Lucario~

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #52 on February 15, 2015, 07:05:02 PM »
You bring back so many old topics, Ohai... *falls over*
   Username: well, first of all, I like the Eragon book series. Oringinaly, it was shade_slayer01, but then I changed it to TheDragonRider01 because, well, this guy, Eragon, he slayed a Shade, and he rides a dragon.
   Skin: well, I really like making skins, so I decided to make my own. Its a knight with partially golden armor and his face looks like mine :O. I decided on a knight because that guy, Eragon, well he wears armor and looks kinda like a knight.

~Brad: More tickets
~Brad: less chance for me
~Rowan: ^
~_Luc~: :D
[RAFFLE] Congratulations go to Bradboy523 for winning 102000
with 12 tickets
[RAFFLE] There was a total of 15 players buying 170 tickets
~Brad: :O
~_Luc~: WHAT

Offline ZariTheAtari

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #53 on February 16, 2015, 08:53:50 AM »
I was a little kid that wanted to get minecraft.  I talked with my dad about the name, for some reason, Diamonds10368 came up,  I was a kid that wanted to be a diamond.  I have like 4 different skins that I still wear.  Well more like 3.  The first skin I had is STEVE. Of course it'd be Steve.  Then I went skin searching and found a skin that looked kinda cute.  At a later time I colored that skin with my fav color and put a rainbow on it.  That is my normal skin.  Then I changed my skin to a book character I shall not say.  Then I changed it back, Then I decided to find a skin that represents Nike.  I have a fascination for the goddess Nike and love the brand.  So I found the skin on Planet Minecraft, it looked cool, and I got the skin.  (Thats the one I'm wearing now)  Oh and once I found a skin that didnt work, and I was practically a person that looked like a ninja with a face under the chin.
And my new name, well my freind gave me the nickname and I used it.
[SkMag] ~ZariDiamonds: idk the weather in Famcraft is going to be sunny with a high of you cant feel heat and a low of
[SkMag] ~ZariDiamonds: you cant feel cold
[SkMag Owner] JrMod: ~Iron XD
[SkMag] ~ZariDiamonds with a 50 percents chance of rain, that is unpredictable.

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #54 on February 16, 2015, 02:42:37 PM »
Um. No idea where I got my old username from.
But my new one was created when I looked around my room and adding Games or Plays to the end of it. I looked at my TV (Vizio ofc) and looked up the name. VizioPlays was a thing but VizioPlayz wasnt. When I went to change my name VizioPlayz wasn't taken but I used 'Plays' instead bc in my texturepacks Z looks like SS together.

I got my skin from a kind person who game me the idea of cutting my hair and getting it dyed a deep brown and red ends (Before I knew how to shade) and I made it look like me but with instead, red hair and shorts. (I cant stand wearing shorts irl :p)
*puts headphones on*
(an hour later)
"oh right"
*plays music*

Offline socks1stormy1

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #55 on February 16, 2015, 04:42:14 PM »
My username was from my cats, Socks and Stormy. The 1... idk. But, I thought like "Socks won, AND Stormy won!"
So I went from there. My skin, well, I have had LOTS of skins. My very first skin was a youtuber (Cant say Who's) skin as a girl. I then started making my own skin, and watched many vids on how to shade hair, and that stuff. I sooner or later found a liking to making skins, and the skin I have now (My blue, green, and yellow skin) is because I luv those colors, and the skin represents me.
Besoxx: Gazsie!
_Gaz: O_O
Spotsie: All Spots zero two
Socksie: wat...
Socksie: Bradsie!
Brad: I'm good, kthxbai
BradBoy523 left the game
Besoxx: XD
Socksie: xD
BradBoy523 joined the game
Brad: lol jk
Besoxx: wb lol
Socksie: xD
_Luc: well thats going in my sig, brad xD
Socksie: Agreed xD

Offline bakagamer918

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #56 on February 17, 2015, 03:46:18 PM »
I whip up a new username whenever I move. The pattern is always something, with the numbers from my street address. The street address bit came from some time ago, when I picked "lordvader139" as a username. That summer, I moved with my family to New Jersey, where the street address happened to be 139. It kind of stuck, and when I moved here last year, I came up with "bakagamer918" as my current username.

As for my skins, I have a rather large library of skins, mostly from assorted anime that I watch, and I switch between whenever I feel like it.

Offline EvieAnn

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #57 on February 17, 2015, 05:55:41 PM »
I guess I'll do mine.

The username comes from my first name and middle names (Clair Evie Ann). So I slapped them together and got cevieann.

My skin is a girl with shorts and pinkish flip flops, a pink flower shirt, pink hair with a flower "crown." (I love pink)
Rider: you should make this a mall
Iron: NUU
Rider: why
Iron: mall is gunna be at new clan home
Rider: you could WE this
Iron: NUU
Iron: bacon and i are making this
*Rider rolls eyes*
Rider: you should hire me
Iron: NUU
Rider: >: why??
Iron: hiring=pay
Rider: maybe ill VOLUNTEER
Iron: like for free?