
Author Topic: Whats your minecraft history/story?  (Read 9667 times)

Offline hicks3022

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Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Opened on May 04, 2014, 06:27:51 PM »
 Hi, First off if the post is too long im sorry and warning there are tons of words in here if you dont like reading tons of words. Well Im kinda curious what has brought you to minecraft because well, its kinda interesting. It would be kinda cool what brought you to minecraft and to famcraft. Sorry if my story is boring but here it goes... It all starts a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, No thats not it... ah yes... Two years ago I used to play xbox alot ya-da ya-da ya-da i dont want to bore you with the prologue or epilogue whichever starts a story. well i had this friend named Peter (Xbox friend, i am not a very popular) me and Peter would always say and i quote "Dude you should really try minecraft on the Xbox it is amazing" I, like a dummy always said "No i dont want to try that game because it has terrible graphics" (I was that kid at the time, yes) and i would always make excuses not to buy the game (I was younger at the time btw), untill one day i got tired of playing my other games and i decided i would try this "Amazing" game (It is Truly amazing btw because you totally havent played this game before). So i got the game and Peter invited me to his world, and i was astonished at how amazing this game actually was (This game was the best thing that ever happened to me). So yea he hands me my first block ever, TNT, weird right? so then i say whats this for? (I realize how bad of a question that was) Then he replies with a facepalm saying It Blows blocks up. At the time he was telling me how to mine and place but not minecraft basics like wood, tools and things. Then after he told me how to mine and place things he showed me how to craft it and a furnace... He said that the furnace was the key to getting infinite items, which i later found out that he was showing me how to duplicate items. Then, like most people might do if they were younger like i was, I abused the duplicating glitch everytime i played minecraft on the xbox. So then after he showed me how to duplicate items he said "lemme show you the basics of minecraft" He told me to make a world, i did so and I spawned near a epically big ocean and a forest biome. He said that you get wood by punching trees and he told me to go get some. So then he tells me how to make wood planks from wood blocks. Then how to make a house. When he tells me to go get wood for a house i overestimated how much wood i needed for a house and chopped down a forest with my bare fist (I remember it took my over 45 minutes) i never even got bored of it weirdly. I facepalmed so much after he showed me how to make tools a hour later it seemed like. Back to the house story, when i got back to the little shelter that he constructed which was so cool looking at the time and I estimate that i gathered an inventory worth of wood. when we started talking about how to make a house in minecraft i thought there was a house-block or something but no, you could use blocks to make your own house which was rather amazing to me (Keep in mind that i was what you might call a "noob" at the time and i admit it XD). So i decided i would make my house on the lake that seemed endless to me, and boy was my house massive jeez i think it stretch 30 by 30 blocks long and 15 blocks high. so i kept that world for a long time. he showed me everything else about minecraft like diamonds and things. enough about that and on to another major point in my minecraft history and if it is long already i doubt it could get double the link it already is now. So yea after i kinda played that world for a while i thought i might make another one  (this was a week or two after i got the game) I spawned in a snowy taiga biome and thought i should make a castle. i did so and it was the biggest and most time consuming build project i have ever worked on besides the feeding famcraft project which kinda stopped saddly D: D:. either way this castle took to my guess 10 hours to build, might be over-guessed but im sticking with it. i fit a massive city in there which is about half the size of Miss Ghouls's carnival inside of it. I constructed fences in such case that mobs or herobrine would invade, it never happened. but, there was something that did happen to it... tune in next time to find out... no your gonna hear about it now. it was a  GRIEFER none other than the person who showed me how to play minecraft, peter, he blew up a hole in my castle, took my diamonds and  burned all the houses down and killed everyone who was online at the time and took all of us captive (yes thats what happened no joke). but then i kinda never knew how to kick people from your server so i had to deal with it. i had to delete the world for ever saddly. move on about 10 months shall we? well in that time frame i made world after world. so then 10 moths later i got minecraft for the computer version on December 21st 2012 aka my brithday (i doubt that any of yall would find me so... yea) and i started up my first PC world which was a memorable one... i really wanted to spawn near a jungle biome so i could build a treehouse (At the time i was a massive fan of CaptainSparklez on Youtube which explains that) so my first world happens that i spawn in a village near a jungle. wow i felt very lucky to spawn there... i died 7 times in the first night and yes im not embarrassed to say that. i actually built a treehouse in that world with jungle wood and stuff. so then i kept that world untill i killed the Enderdragon and wither. At least i can be proud of something. then after like a month i finally realized there was multiplayer and joined famcraft for the first time. thats my story if you stuck around to see it and yea... im curious what yalls stories are. i cant believe it took my a hour to write this. Im Very very very sorry if this is not the recomendeed length for a forum post. and i know my grammar is bad. yea thats it i hope yall enjoyed my story... join me next time on storytime with Turkey, bye bye

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Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #1 on May 04, 2014, 06:51:00 PM »
The title should be more like what brought u to play Minecraft... but whatever

So my friend's friend showed my friend Minecraft, then my friend (I cant say his name because he is banned from this server) introduced me to Minecraft. He said "Hey check out Minecraft its really cool" and then i was like "lolwut? Starcraft?" so i started playing it after i found out that minecraft was about building (yes i have loved playing with lego pieces and other construction toys since i was young) but my parents would not let me buy it because i was already playing like 5 other video games every day. So what i would do was download a cracked client and play singleplayer on it. (I did not know there were cracked servers at that time) I made some awesome stuff (my first ever world is still on my computer) and i really wanted to buy this game. I decided to give up ALL my other video games and buy minecraft instead. That was March of 2013. For the next few months, i mostly played hunger games but it got boring after i realized that i'm not very good at pvp and its basically luck.  Then the same friend of mine who introduced me to minecraft showed me famcraft on May 2013, 2 months after i bought minecraft. I was still kinda noobish at the time. When i joined, RubensCherub gave me an awesome tour. I went to one of the random gates and started surviving, but i forgot to set home there and everything that i had was gone. I was heavily dissapointed and decided to take a break from minecraft. I came back to Famcraft/Minecraft on August. I made a lot of progress from there, now i am a multi-millionaire and my possesions are enough to fill about 20 double chests. I also have started a clan recently to help people in need of community and resources. I'm planning to have all the services that other big clans have, like all sorts of spawners/grinders/farm/town/ This is gonna be my biggest project yet and its gonna be fun  ;)

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #2 on May 04, 2014, 07:50:17 PM »
        December of 2011 I would have been in my sophomore year of high school, and Minecraft was on 1.2.5. My friend, Tony, introduced Minecraft to me. I didn't have enough money to buy it back then, so I had to use a proxy. He told me it was completely legal, but I think he was lying to get me to download it xD. Anyway, so that's how I started playing it. Afterwards, I couldn't stop playing it. I would play with Tony and some of our friends on his private server. We would do PvP worlds or cooperative worlds, and it was very fun. I continued even after I lost regular contact with him.
        I actually hadn't played on a legitimate server until Cody introduced me to FamCraft in September of 2013. By that point, the proxy I had been using had been down for quite some time, and I was using a friends account. So, on September 28th, 2013, I logged on to FamCraft with fugitive105. Cody invited me to TCoEA and made me leader immediately.
        After a month or so, I wanted my own account so that my friend could log on to FamCraft. Also, I wanted to use mathfreak2 for my IRC name, so I finally bought my own account on November 4th, 2013. A month and half later (Around December 20th) I was asked to become a helper. Then, around March 20th, I was promoted to JrMod. And there's my story. I hope yall enjoy it! ^^ :P

TCoEA.JrMod: ~Rowan
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD

Offline Lord_Puggy

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #3 on May 05, 2014, 10:54:06 AM »
When MyPugDad bought me a ipad for christmas 2011 i played pocket edition for about half a year
then my PugFreinds Played it on the xbox and i was like "Well i know this game well, And the xbox edition has more features" so i bought the game and played for about a year and a bit and then my PugDad Bought me a new pc so i bought a minecraft Pc code and came online and then a week of having it i found Famcraft

Royal ~Puggy
<Mickey> me being so smart, I thought I was jailed
<Mickey> so I typed /unjail Supermickey24
<Mickey> And now I'm stuck in jail...
<Mickey> jailed.
<Mickey> forever...
<Mickey> Halp
<Mickey> XD

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #4 on May 05, 2014, 11:59:04 AM (Edited May 05, 2014, 02:30:16 PM) »
For the next few months, i mostly played hunger games but it got boring after i realized that i'm not very good at pvp and its basically luck

No way, lol. PvP is anything but luck. I love it because of how much skill you have to have to beat the best of the best. Favorite part of Minecraft is PvP for me... :P

(I cant say his name because he is banned from this server)

I stand corrected. Thanks Anna <3

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #5 on May 05, 2014, 02:03:48 PM (Edited May 05, 2014, 02:13:38 PM) »
 I think he handled it nicely by not mentioning the banned pkayer's name. No need to stir up drama or questions. I think it was thoughtful of him and respectful to the player who was banned as well as the forum members who appreciate the drama-free environment here. <3

Offline vespamartio

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #6 on May 05, 2014, 02:33:16 PM »
Of course that your favorite part Chris...  (He nearly always wins xD)

ill be posting my story on here later... and i can garuntee that that Jordan will too... after I yell at him at least :P or maybe eat him...
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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #7 on May 06, 2014, 09:56:50 AM »
Of course that your favorite part Chris...  (He nearly always wins xD)

ill be posting my story on here later... and i can garuntee that that Jordan will too... after I yell at him at least :P or maybe eat him...

"Guarantee"... I'm working on mine, gimme a break :>
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Offline Luca_B123

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #8 on May 06, 2014, 11:25:39 AM »
 Well my friends kept talking about minecraft like a few months ago (they still are) and i got quite annoyed as i couldn't join in with their conversations since i didn't know anything about it. After a while I couldn't bear it anymore so i just asked my dad for it. At first he said no because he thought it would install a virus (even though we have Mcaffee) but adpfter a few days of non-stop asking he said 'fine... How much is it?' and bought it for me. I played a few survival worlds but i didn't like them as I wanted to play with people. Thus I asked my friend for a good server to play on. I enjoyed playing on there as i made friends but after a few months I started being bullied and griefed by this guy. I knew something had to be done so I looked for a new server that was family friendly and i fell in to you


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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #9 on May 08, 2014, 06:42:49 AM »
My Minecraft History:

         Well, it all started when my brother and I paid for the same minecraft account. Then I started using my friends account (he lets me :P). Then my bro showed me Famcraft. I started playing. My bro stopped playing. I got promoted.

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Offline Domsters931

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #10 on May 08, 2014, 07:01:14 AM »
Hicks2032 that was the longest post I ever saw
Hi, First off if the post is too long im sorry and warning there are tons of words in here if you dont like reading tons of words. Well Im kinda curious what has brought you to minecraft because well, its kinda interesting. It would be kinda cool what brought you to minecraft and to famcraft. Sorry if my story is boring but here it goes... It all starts a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, No thats not it... ah yes... Two years ago I used to play xbox alot ya-da ya-da ya-da i dont want to bore you with the prologue or epilogue whichever starts a story. well i had this friend named Peter (Xbox friend, i am not a very popular) me and Peter would always say and i quote "Dude you should really try minecraft on the Xbox it is amazing" I, like a dummy always said "No i dont want to try that game because it has terrible graphics" (I was that kid at the time, yes) and i would always make excuses not to buy the game (I was younger at the time btw), untill one day i got tired of playing my other games and i decided i would try this "Amazing" game (It is Truly amazing btw because you totally havent played this game before). So i got the game and Peter invited me to his world, and i was astonished at how amazing this game actually was (This game was the best thing that ever happened to me). So yea he hands me my first block ever, TNT, weird right? so then i say whats this for? (I realize how bad of a question that was) Then he replies with a facepalm saying It Blows blocks up. At the time he was telling me how to mine and place but not minecraft basics like wood, tools and things. Then after he told me how to mine and place things he showed me how to craft it and a furnace... He said that the furnace was the key to getting infinite items, which i later found out that he was showing me how to duplicate items. Then, like most people might do if they were younger like i was, I abused the duplicating glitch everytime i played minecraft on the xbox. So then after he showed me how to duplicate items he said "lemme show you the basics of minecraft" He told me to make a world, i did so and I spawned near a epically big ocean and a forest biome. He said that you get wood by punching trees and he told me to go get some. So then he tells me how to make wood planks from wood blocks. Then how to make a house. When he tells me to go get wood for a house i overestimated how much wood i needed for a house and chopped down a forest with my bare fist (I remember it took my over 45 minutes) i never even got bored of it weirdly. I facepalmed so much after he showed me how to make tools a hour later it seemed like. Back to the house story, when i got back to the little shelter that he constructed which was so cool looking at the time and I estimate that i gathered an inventory worth of wood. when we started talking about how to make a house in minecraft i thought there was a house-block or something but no, you could use blocks to make your own house which was rather amazing to me (Keep in mind that i was what you might call a "noob" at the time and i admit it XD). So i decided i would make my house on the lake that seemed endless to me, and boy was my house massive jeez i think it stretch 30 by 30 blocks long and 15 blocks high. so i kept that world for a long time. he showed me everything else about minecraft like diamonds and things. enough about that and on to another major point in my minecraft history and if it is long already i doubt it could get double the link it already is now. So yea after i kinda played that world for a while i thought i might make another one  (this was a week or two after i got the game) I spawned in a snowy taiga biome and thought i should make a castle. i did so and it was the biggest and most time consuming build project i have ever worked on besides the feeding famcraft project which kinda stopped saddly D: D:. either way this castle took to my guess 10 hours to build, might be over-guessed but im sticking with it. i fit a massive city in there which is about half the size of Miss Ghouls's carnival inside of it. I constructed fences in such case that mobs or herobrine would invade, it never happened. but, there was something that did happen to it... tune in next time to find out... no your gonna hear about it now. it was a  GRIEFER none other than the person who showed me how to play minecraft, peter, he blew up a hole in my castle, took my diamonds and  burned all the houses down and killed everyone who was online at the time and took all of us captive (yes thats what happened no joke). but then i kinda never knew how to kick people from your server so i had to deal with it. i had to delete the world for ever saddly. move on about 10 months shall we? well in that time frame i made world after world. so then 10 moths later i got minecraft for the computer version on December 21st 2012 aka my brithday (i doubt that any of yall would find me so... yea) and i started up my first PC world which was a memorable one... i really wanted to spawn near a jungle biome so i could build a treehouse (At the time i was a massive fan of CaptainSparklez on Youtube which explains that) so my first world happens that i spawn in a village near a jungle. wow i felt very lucky to spawn there... i died 7 times in the first night and yes im not embarrassed to say that. i actually built a treehouse in that world with jungle wood and stuff. so then i kept that world untill i killed the Enderdragon and wither. At least i can be proud of something. then after like a month i finally realized there was multiplayer and joined famcraft for the first time. thats my story if you stuck around to see it and yea... im curious what yalls stories are. i cant believe it took my a hour to write this. Im Very very very sorry if this is not the recomendeed length for a forum post. and i know my grammar is bad. yea thats it i hope yall enjoyed my story... join me next time on storytime with Turkey, bye bye


Offline Domsters931

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #11 on May 09, 2014, 10:06:56 PM »
That a long post

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #12 on May 10, 2014, 02:26:34 PM »
That a long post

You just said that :I

Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #13 on May 10, 2014, 06:15:35 PM »
Can we get back to the topic?
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Offline wilsondhp

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Re: Whats your minecraft history/story?
« Reply #14 on May 11, 2014, 06:53:53 AM »
My journey started when I looked up dynamite. I saw a parody called tnt. It said it was a minecraft parody. So after listening to it I looked it up. When I got minecraft, I played only single player. Then I decided to find multiplayer servers. When I found Famcraft I didn't know that you were supposed to read the rules. I got banned for 3 days. When I got back on, I went through a random portal that leads to an island and I built my tower. Then I went on from there, building my empire.
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