Ok yall! There s good news, and there is fun news, which do you want first? :O
Good news? The good news is, we are relocating the actual physical hardware that houses the survival and FTB servers! Yay!
This will put the hardware closer to Micah, so if we ever have server issues, Micah will be right there to get us back in shape ASAP!

Now, don't worry- absolutely nothing will change. The map will be the same, the inventories, every single detail of Famcraft will be 100% exactly, absolutely the same as it is right this very moment. NO data will be changed or effected in any way. We are ONLY relocating the actual machine that hosts the server.
This means the hardware will be disconnected, loaded into a vehicle, and transported to a new location, then set in place, and hooked back up. The survival server will be offline for up to 12 hours while this move occurs.
But.. what about the FUN news??
The FUN news is, as the title of this post probably gave away... We will be hosting a temporary Famcraft CREATIVE server for ONE day! Tomorrow, Wed June 11, 2014.
This means you can test all those weird red stone contraptions, spawn yourself a bunch of villagers, build that diamond mansion you have always dreamed of, and swim in the lava with your Famcraft friends! (Lava bathing = the Admins favorite pastime)
Mumble, music, irc and the forum will all be up and running as usual. Staff will be online to help with any issues.
Because this is a temporary server, nothing will be saved/kept, so make sure you take plenty of screen shots to remember all the fun.

Feel free to share some of those screenshots in this thread so we can all see what Famcrafters like to build when they have unlimited resources.
We will look forward to seeing you all there tomorrow. You will automatically connect to the creative server when you join survival.famcraft.com the same way you normally do. There is no need to add a server, or edit anything in your server client list. Just join Famcraft and play

The rules are the same family friendly rules we all know and love.

See you there!