
Author Topic: Getting to know each other.  (Read 154537 times)

Offline socks1stormy1

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #135 on December 08, 2014, 05:45:19 PM »
Math... not my favorite subject, but what a great philosopher said "Math, is the worlds building blocks... Beside Minecraft!"
And someone else said "Who said that?" And the other guy said "Me"
Besoxx: Gazsie!
_Gaz: O_O
Spotsie: All Spots zero two
Socksie: wat...
Socksie: Bradsie!
Brad: I'm good, kthxbai
BradBoy523 left the game
Besoxx: XD
Socksie: xD
BradBoy523 joined the game
Brad: lol jk
Besoxx: wb lol
Socksie: xD
_Luc: well thats going in my sig, brad xD
Socksie: Agreed xD

Offline socks1stormy1

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #136 on December 08, 2014, 05:51:24 PM »
Hi! Im Socks1stormy1 in game! I am known by, well some of Famcraft, and I am the owner of BOLTS (A newer clan). I would love to tell more about me in rl, but my mom disaproves. But, i have 2 cats (Cats are my passion, well, kinda) and i love mac and cheese. I love blue, and if you know my clan, the full name is BLUEBOLTS, and i am a girl. I am in honors quire (srry, dont know how to spell it) and I am in finals for State, i made a song. Im 11, and I hope to make new friends soon! Thanks!
Besoxx: Gazsie!
_Gaz: O_O
Spotsie: All Spots zero two
Socksie: wat...
Socksie: Bradsie!
Brad: I'm good, kthxbai
BradBoy523 left the game
Besoxx: XD
Socksie: xD
BradBoy523 joined the game
Brad: lol jk
Besoxx: wb lol
Socksie: xD
_Luc: well thats going in my sig, brad xD
Socksie: Agreed xD

Offline Quailfluf

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #137 on December 09, 2014, 02:00:32 PM »
Alright I guess I should introduce myself as well. as you could have guessed my name is Quailfluf, but my real name is Lizzy. The reason my Minecraft name is Quailfluf is because my older sister started raising quail and I started as well. I love quail now and have probably too many (as my mom says). I live on a farm is Wisconsin. I raise and show Chickens, ducks, quail, and rabbits at the local county fair for 4-H. I have been in 4-H for six years now and still love it, I have held all Offices in the club, I am the club treasure for this year. I was born on April Fool's day (You wouldn't believe the amount of joke presents I get) I am a girl. I absolutely Doctor Who, Sherlock, Forensic Files, and Bones. I am deeply interested in Forensic stuff, and wish to peruse something in that field. Possibly Forensic Pathology! (I am weird I know)  I play on this server with my cousin CraftHungry, he is quite a handful and I am deeply sorry about his spam  problems, I've been talking to him about that. And TheItatianLuck, who is my boyfriend. We met because we both have gone through tragic events that pushed us into depression and we have been helping each other get through it. I don't have many friends and I would love to make some on this server.. I don't really have any yet. anyways I am sure that is enough about me :P Thanks for reading!
Most people assume that when you're alone, you must be lonely. Like most assumptions, it's erroneous. -Bones

Offline PegLegPegasus

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #138 on January 21, 2015, 09:10:40 PM »
so true potter, so true xD

im a potato named bob. i just cant show that ingame
"Well why didn't you do it when you had the chance?"

This is me.

Offline Maddawg07

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #139 on January 22, 2015, 06:05:30 PM (Edited January 22, 2015, 06:10:27 PM) »
Hello everyone!   

I'd like to start out by saying it's been a real joy to see how the sever atmosphere is here.  You hear alot of negativity about online servers but after doing my research I think I hit a homerun my first at bat. ;)

So I signed up my son Maddox because its really all he ever talks about. He's 7yrs old.  In fact, after some time I realised if I didnt take a look inside this whole Minecraft thing, long talks in the truck on the way to and from his mothers house would continue to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.  I have to admit that it all looked pretty silly to me but the more I played and learn the more I enjoy it.  The online experience makes it nice too.  I spent some time setting things up for him and having a look around to make sure there wasn't a bunch of wierdo's in here and ended up getting hooked on it.  Which is strange because Im not what you'd call a "gamer."  Im not sure if I should start a screen name for myself or what.  It seems like the right thing to do but I cant find anything in the rules other than "dont use multiple screen names."

Anyway Im Fran, 36, mostly an outdoorsman.  You name it we do it here in upstate NY.  Hunt, flyfish, backpacking, rock climbing,  Mt biking.   Lots and lots of thing that end in "ing."  Im a full time Firefighter of 16yrs.  And now im the coolest dad in the world because I can carry on a legitimate conversion about the intricacies of Minecraft to my little monster and show off the new stuff I built. 

Thank you very much for the help!

Offline ~OpheliaTepes

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #140 on January 31, 2015, 01:51:08 PM »
Hello, my name is Hagumi. I'm going to be turning 17 soon (Feb 17th heckie yeah) Besides spending my life on Famcraft, I am majoring in art and have two art colleges that want me already, which is a huge honor! (RISD and MICA if you were wondering.) I also make my own costumes (cosplay) and may also look into a career of theatre costumes and makeup.
Here are some of my cosplays: (They're mostly selfies, sorry) (And I'm the girl on the right in the pink lol) :D
“I love the rain. I love how it softens the outlines of things. The world becomes softly blurred, and I feel like I melt right into it." -Hagumi Hanamoto (Honey and Clover)

Offline curcumas

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #141 on March 13, 2015, 05:58:40 PM »
Hello I'm Ginger aka curcumas! I am originally from New Jersey, but have lived in Florida, Texas and now Colorado, just outside of Denver, for the past 20 years. I used to work as a lab geologist. Best job ever! I loved playing with dirt and rocks! Years later I worked as a paralegal for a while. Now, I mostly work on raising my son Connor/Cupcakeosaurus who is 5. I have been playing video games since I was very young. I moved my way up through Atari, Sega, Nintendo, Play Station, computer, etc.  Now I'm hooked on Minecraft, which I play a lot with my son and husband/curril when he has time to join in. Playing on a server with others is relatively new to me, which is probably obvious to anyone who has talked to me,  :).  I want to say, I find everyone on this server to be so friendly and helpful. I am grateful for all the help especially with learning all the commands, thank you! Looking forward to getting to know you all. See you on Famcraft!

Offline aibiki

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #142 on March 23, 2015, 12:24:46 PM (Edited March 23, 2015, 12:45:28 PM) »
HI! I'm Aibiki. :D

I'm going to be 25 ( ;-; ) this year. Aside from minecraft I spend most of my time playing other video games or drawing. Some of my favorites include Final Fantasy IX, Pokemon X, Katamari Forever, Rune Factory 3....
Also reading manga or watching anime, but recently that's been on the lower end of my list of things to do.

I haven't played on a minecraft server with people I don't know in a very long time. But for the most part I try to keep to myself.

Offline PixelProne

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #143 on April 09, 2015, 07:05:44 PM (Edited November 04, 2015, 01:22:24 PM) »
Side Note: Sorry if this is the second post about myself  :-X

Anyways, My name is (OP removed name) but I prefer to be called by my online name; Sky/Omega/Vizio (The nickname that was given to me long ago)
I currently live near Jackson, MS (Mississippi) I currently own a puppy named Max, 3 cats, Charlie, Dasha, and Jake.

I started gaming on a console I can't remember the name of, at the age of ~2. My father had taught me how to plug in the according colors in the matching spots on the television set, yellow, red, and white. Basically all my life I have played video games, my first (and favorite!) game I can remember was Clifford the Big Red Dog, back in ~2005. When I started playing simple Windows XP games when I was young they had given me the middle name of "Dell", after the computer company.
For an odd reason I love watching it rain outside while playing my Xbox in a dark room..
I love helping other people and occasionally have ADD (Attention Distraction Disorder) moments throughout the day. A goal I'm heading for in life is a professional livestream gamer, though, I'm not sure it will last long :P.
I'm currently home-schooled in 7th grade, since I only do an average of an hour and a half of homework each day I usually get up early in the morning so I can return to the majestic Famcraft community. <3
Game consoles? I have an Xbox One, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo Wii-U, and Xbox 360.
When I'm not playing on Famcraft I usually go to play Zelda: Four Swords, Singleplayer Crazy Craft, Portal (series), or just normal singleplayer Minecraft
Last of all; I declare Famcraft my online home. <3

Edited: Added more about myself, how I started gaming, etc.
*puts headphones on*
(an hour later)
"oh right"
*plays music*

Offline RubixQube

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #144 on April 18, 2015, 02:07:51 PM (Edited August 18, 2015, 09:44:24 AM) »
Hello to you amazing FamCrafters.  I suppose I've spent enough time on the survival server to warrant an introduction.  I would first like to say that it is so refreshing to know that there is an online gaming community out here that adheres to a strong commitment of upholding each and every player to treating others with kindness, respect and in my opinion, having overall good morals.  I am not just saying this to the staff, but to all of you, it takes everyone being on the same page to make something like this possible. So, a huge thank you goes to each and every one of you.

Playing video games used to be a big part of my youth, starting with Atari in my late teens being my first gaming system and later, the Apple II computer.  The last gaming systems I got for myself were the original Nintendo and a year later, Gameboy, but by the mid to late 80's that phase of my life was fizzling out.  It wasn't until about a year and a half ago that I became reacquainted with this long lost inner child of mine.  And it can only be attributed to my daughter GentleSeeker and her love of Minecraft.

Of my children (ranging from almost three years old to grown and married with kids of their own), two of them and occasionally their friends play Minecraft.  You may have seen them around and if so, you know them as GentleSeeker and ThePerfect_Storm.  They're both very sweet girls and they absolutely love the Famcraft server.  We truly hope that we have found our final resting place to host our Minecraft gameplay together.

A few years ago I came down with a condition that has left me with health concerns that had taken me away from my normal work for that time, but at the same time has afforded me the ability to have the kind of quality time with my family that I never believed possible in my line of work.  After working mostly from home for the last couple years, I have now decided to take my early retirement.  This however, leaves me with many mixed thoughts.  I have spent my life staying just about as physically active as one can possibly be, but with life's way of throwing its twists and turns in, that just simply isn't possible now.  I'm really not sure what the future holds for me and my family, but I am excited to find out.

For now Famcraft shall be a mainstay in this house.  I spend my in-game time working on little projects (many of which my girls request of me), but much of the time I just leave the game on in the background AFK'ing materials while I do other things.  I'm not the fastest (not even close) when it comes to typing or following the chat, but I do try my best to keep track of the chat (unless the chat is extremely busy).  That being said, if it ever appears that I am ignoring you, please don't take it personally, I would not do that intentionally.  It just means that I simply missed it or I'm busy in real life and thank you for your understanding.  Speaking for the three of us, we continue to look forward to playing Minecraft with all of you.  :)

GentleSeeker's and ThePerfect_Storm's father,

-Just a little side note-
I have seen talk of some very young players on Famcraft, but did you know that once in awhile (not very often at all really) I have on my occasionally shared account a two (almost three) year old playing.  She loves to go to Miss Ghouls' carnival along with some other monster safe places and run and jump around while looking at everything. <3

Offline TheAwesome_Miner

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #145 on May 31, 2015, 07:31:35 AM »
Hello everyone. Zorodu here. (Previously known as TheAwesome_Miner) (Previously Previously known as 1ST_Miner)

I joined Famcraft around a couple months after the first release of it on my first MC account 1ST_Miner. I then proceeded to lose my password. I wasn't really good at remembering passwords xD. I got this new account "TheAwesome_Miner" and re-joined Famcraft. People didn't believe it was 1ST_Miner so, I kinda lost my previous items such as a massive castle. (I am really not that disappointed, it looked really bad.) So, I've changed my name to Zorodu, lost my items again, thankfully the wonderful staff team is able to aid me.

I haven't been on Famcraft in a while, I regret neglecting it. Famcraft is such a fun place to play on, I'll make sure to hop on and say hello.


Offline ugslayer

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #146 on June 03, 2015, 08:03:41 PM »
Hello Everyone, my in game name is ugslayer, but my real name is Andrew.  I respond to Ug, Andrew, or slayer.  I have played minecraft since January of 2011.  My first child Edwin decided this year that he wanted to play minecraft at the age of 8, so I went to find a server that was suitable for him and I together.  He has since not played on here... but I digress.

    I am a manager with a company called Petsmart in the USA.  I am 32 and a father of 3 boys.  birth years 2007, 2010, 2013.  I am married and love my wife dearly.  I am into science fiction and fantasy novels as well as movies.  I love to work on growing my own food and am looking at getting into keeping chickens, sheep, and bees.

Offline GraceGirrl

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #147 on July 09, 2015, 07:51:00 AM »
Hi my name is Grace and I am 11 years old and I'm going to six grade and I am kind of obsessed with soccer and the USA women's soccer team. Go team USA! :) I also do tae kwon do my favorite food is burgers. My family also travels the world a lot. For this year's summer vacation went to Japan. We have also been to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Germany, Switzerland, Iceland, Holland, Greece, Turkey, and the Bahamas. Bye!
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Offline ~PaintBrush

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #148 on July 30, 2015, 09:04:42 PM »
Hey my name is Alexanne and I'm 13 I live in Canada and I lobe famcraft! BTW I have NO idea if I already posted on this.. post  :P I like making friends and is always looking to help people.

My dream is to make a change in the world I'm just not so sure what though  :-[
I'm very artistic but I'm not really sportive except batminton that's fun. :P

I'm usually very happy and excited ::) except when my sister annoys me... not so happy lol.
I just want to say thank you famcraft for giving me so much happy moments and friends! I recently just met my first friend irl from USA.. cevieann.. I've known her for 7 months on famcraft but never actually spoke to her.. until this week on face time! I couldn't be happier! ( unless I met all of famcraft lol)
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*Fishey Slap*


Offline wilsondhp

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #149 on October 14, 2015, 03:01:59 PM »
   My name is not Wilson, it's Thomas. I'm 14 living in the countryside of central New York. I've been on the server a good long while. I'm the most imaginative person I know. I'm a big fan of folk music and mashups. I'm a huge nerd for dinosaurs. My favorite holiday is Halloween or Christmas, mainly Christmas because I get to see a lot of my family from both of my parents' sides. I like Halloween because it's fun to dress up as something scary.
   I love taking walks, hiking mountains, and searching for amazing views from the tops of mountains. Not really good at drawing. I'm decent at building . . . in Minecraft, not in real life. My brother is awesome_dude_52. My cousin is Doodleman_42.
   I really love drawing maps to fantasy worlds then making up the history about it later. Eventually, I turn it into a book series, or at least I try. I consider myself funny, unorganized,(everyone knows me for that) kinda shy, and I can see beauty in almost anything.
"One way to forget about pain is to do something you will be in completely. So, computer games."
                                                          -Danil 'Dendi' Ishutin