
Author Topic: killed sheep  (Read 8126 times)

Offline Jamira33

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killed sheep
« Opened on September 04, 2015, 08:39:36 AM »
Okay. It's me again ... (Angel and Anna know what I mean by that.)

Yesterday, I bought a stack of diamonds to protect my area. Unfortunately, seven diamond blocks weren't enough to protect the whole area. Today, I saw that one rose bush was missing, but I wasn't sure if that was new. But now, I saw that there are two sheep missing. They were in a square fence compound (13x13) with locked gates at about (-900/720). I had 5 sheep and 4 rabbits in there. Now there are only 3 sheep and 4 rabbits.

For this and all the things in that area I reported before, it was clearly visible that they belong to someone.
  • The dirt house was in a completely lit area. I had placed torches to light up the whole peninsula before.
  • The cave (on the same peninsula) in which someone mined coal was also full of torches from me.
  • The clay that was dug up by someone was next to one of my carrot fields.
  • The small hole someone dug at the shore was next to some fence posts from me.
  • The acacia trees next to my door (into the hill) were cut twice by someone.
  • The killed rabbits and the harvested sugar cane were on a peninsula full with torches and almost completely surrounded with sugar cane.
  • And there had also been some missing torches which I didn't report.

Maybe, I shouldn't have settled so close to the Random 2 gate, especially when I wanted to build more then just a small starter home. I ran till I found a nice area without other buildings in sight. I wasn't aware that I was still rather close (about 250 blocks) to the gate.

Now, I protected most of the area, and put additional fences and signs to mark the rest as my area. But still, it seems like people don't care about it. Are there so many new players playing before they read the rules, or how can that happen?

By the way, I don't mind visitors as long as they don't break things or kill animals.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: killed sheep
« Reply #1 on September 04, 2015, 01:57:57 PM »
 Hi Jamira,

 Sorry for all the trouble you've been experiencing. You are right in a high traffic zone due to the location of the Stargates.

 I have identified the player who killed your sheep and banned them. I've also restored the animals to their pen.

 Additionally, I have relocated all the random gates waaaay out to slow down traffic to the area.

 If you would like to move what you already have built, please let me know and I will be happy to help  you relocate to a more private area.

 Again, I'm sorry you've had to deal with this. Please never hesitate to let us know when you need help.

                                                                                                                                             Thanks, Anna

Offline Thoatt

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Re: killed sheep
« Reply #2 on September 05, 2015, 01:34:59 AM »
Maybe, I shouldn't have settled so close to the Random 2 gate, especially when I wanted to build more then just a small starter home. I ran till I found a nice area without other buildings in sight. I wasn't aware that I was still rather close (about 250 blocks) to the gate.

Now, I protected most of the area, and put additional fences and signs to mark the rest as my area. But still, it seems like people don't care about it. Are there so many new players playing before they read the rules, or how can that happen?

If you are building near a random stargate, you should NOT expect to be free from griefing. The whole purpose of precious stones is to prevent it. Without them, you should have no expectation that your stuff will be safe.

That is not to say that it won't be restored, but you are on a public server, with dozens of new people every day, and we do not have the staff to stalk every players every action.

Signs and torches on a large area is NOT a replacement for precious stones, and although griefing other player's things is against the rules, there are many players who play on, or come from other servers where this may be seen as public area, and not claimed.

Use precious stones or don't expect to be grief free.

Offline Jamira33

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Re: killed sheep
« Reply #3 on September 05, 2015, 05:48:15 AM »
Thanks a lot, Anna, for dealing with it. And thanks for offering to move my things, but I'd like to stay there. Finally, I got to buy enough diamonds to protect the whole area. So, I don't think that there will be new griefing problems. So, I am perfectly happy.  :)

Sorry for the work it caused.