
Author Topic: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock  (Read 9351 times)

Offline FrodoRose

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Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Opened on December 03, 2015, 06:16:31 PM (Edited December 03, 2015, 06:24:33 PM) »
Hello staff! I am here to inform you about a strange thing that has happened on Famcraft recently. I do not know if this will help you solve any problems but it happened roughly about 6:05 PM 12/3/2015
I had just logged online when I started floating down through the ground as if I was flying. I tried to move around but it would not let me control my character other than the mouse. What really was strange was the fact that I could only see a few of the blocks. I tried typing /clan home and /home Frodo but nothing had happened, I just continued to float down to the bottom of the world.
While floating I attempted to alert a staff. I typed "Staff?" I was shocked to see my chat not appearing, although I could very clearly see other players talking. I had no idea if the people could see me typing, so I continued to try and contact a staff. I told them that I was seemingly floating to the bottom of the world, but no reply came.
By the time I gave up on chat I had reached bedrock. Now that my feet had reached the ground I could not see, it was seemingly the void, I could walk around.
As I walked it did not make sounds of the feet touching rock, and I had been in floating motion again as if flying. I attempted to fly upward, but I did not even jump. I tried logging off of Famcraft, I successfully completed that without anything new happening. Logging back in, I was on the surface of where I recalled being before the glitch. I had all of my existing items and full health, as if nothing happened.
I was wondering if you knew what happened and why it did so and if I could prevent it in the future. Thank you for reading this long post and I'll see you on Famcraft  ;D
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Offline FrodoRose

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #1 on December 03, 2015, 06:27:58 PM »
Oh, and when I logged back on after the glitch I asked one of the staff members if they had seen my chat. They said no and that I had logged on and off several times as on my view I was online all the time. I told them about my glitch and came here to post about it. If I can figure out how to attach some screen shots I took I will.
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Offline FrodoRose

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #2 on December 03, 2015, 06:35:08 PM »
I put a screen shot in here of when I asked if people saw my chat
Time can't fly, it has no wings.
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Offline PixelProne

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #3 on December 03, 2015, 07:20:43 PM (Edited December 05, 2015, 03:01:14 PM) »
You may have (client-side) lag. If relogging doesn't work, try turning off all of your computers (including the one you're using), turn off all internet modems/routers, wait about 5 mins and turn it all on starting with the main internet modem/router then the rest.

If that doesn't work, go in task manager and end any tasks you don't need open like Calculater, Chrome, etc, then go to the Startup tab and disabling stuff like Spotify, and anything else you don't NORMALLY turn on after restart.

Again, if that doesn't work, try getting a fresh install of Minecraft by moving all of your important stuff (saves, resource packs, mods folder, etc.)  to your desktop, then deleting .minecraft from your AppData folder, and any Minecraft.exe shortcuts from your task bar, desktop, or start menu, restart your computer, then install Minecraft again via Minecraft.net
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(an hour later)
"oh right"
*plays music*

Offline LukeTechy10

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #4 on December 03, 2015, 09:53:39 PM »
You may have (client-side) lag. Try turning off all of your computers (including the one you're using), turn off all internet modems/routers, wait about 5 mins and turn it all on starting with the main internet modem/router then the rest.

If that doesn't work, go in task manager and end any tasks you don't need open like Calculater, Chrome, etc, then go to the Startup tab and disabling stuff like Spotify, and anything else you don't NORMALLY turn on after restart.

Again, if that doesn't work, try getting a fresh install of Minecraft by moving all of your important stuff (saves, resource packs, mods folder, etc.)  to your desktop, then deleting .minecraft from your AppData folder, and any Minecraft.exe shortcuts from your task bar, desktop, or start menu, restart your computer, then install Minecraft again via Minecraft.net

So Techy.. U shall be me now :P I would never know that if u didnt say on forums :P

Offline PegLegPegasus

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #5 on December 04, 2015, 03:52:36 PM »
Hello staff! I am here to inform you about a strange thing that has happened on Famcraft recently. I do not know if this will help you solve any problems but it happened roughly about 6:05 PM 12/3/2015
I had just logged online when I started floating down through the ground as if I was flying. I tried to move around but it would not let me control my character other than the mouse. What really was strange was the fact that I could only see a few of the blocks. I tried typing /clan home and /home Frodo but nothing had happened, I just continued to float down to the bottom of the world.
While floating I attempted to alert a staff. I typed "Staff?" I was shocked to see my chat not appearing, although I could very clearly see other players talking. I had no idea if the people could see me typing, so I continued to try and contact a staff. I told them that I was seemingly floating to the bottom of the world, but no reply came.
By the time I gave up on chat I had reached bedrock. Now that my feet had reached the ground I could not see, it was seemingly the void, I could walk around.
As I walked it did not make sounds of the feet touching rock, and I had been in floating motion again as if flying. I attempted to fly upward, but I did not even jump. I tried logging off of Famcraft, I successfully completed that without anything new happening. Logging back in, I was on the surface of where I recalled being before the glitch. I had all of my existing items and full health, as if nothing happened.
I was wondering if you knew what happened and why it did so and if I could prevent it in the future. Thank you for reading this long post and I'll see you on Famcraft  ;D

That occasionally happens to me when I teleport somewhere.
"Well why didn't you do it when you had the chance?"

This is me.

Offline DrewsMagicMonkey

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #6 on December 04, 2015, 06:36:50 PM »
This is a glitch that has happend to me, and to my knowledge, cannot be prevented, but can be easily fixed. You just log out, then back in. I also had the same chat issue as you and was not able to do anything but by logging out and back in everything is fine.

Offline Domsters931

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #7 on December 05, 2015, 09:49:44 AM »
In the last 3 years I have had this happen a few times on famcraft. I was always told it was called block lag. It usually was because of my internet. I restarted my internet and it was ok. I don't know anything about this. I'm just saying what worked for me.

Offline FrodoRose

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #8 on December 05, 2015, 12:41:26 PM »
Thanks so much for the help guys! I will take note to all your suggestions and see witch one my computer seems to respond to the best! Thanks again!
Time can't fly, it has no wings.
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Offline DrewsMagicMonkey

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #9 on December 05, 2015, 01:45:19 PM »
Does this happen often to you? Or was it just the once?

Offline FrodoRose

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #10 on December 13, 2015, 02:11:56 PM »
The time I posted about was the first time it has ever happened to me as far as I've played Minecraft (about 3 years) and it hasent happened since then.
Time can't fly, it has no wings.
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Offline ArcticPenguin1

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #11 on January 14, 2016, 08:50:51 PM »
Hello staff! I am here to inform you about a strange thing that has happened on Famcraft recently. I do not know if this will help you solve any problems but it happened roughly about 6:05 PM 12/3/2015
I had just logged online when I started floating down through the ground as if I was flying. I tried to move around but it would not let me control my character other than the mouse. What really was strange was the fact that I could only see a few of the blocks. I tried typing /clan home and /home Frodo but nothing had happened, I just continued to float down to the bottom of the world.
While floating I attempted to alert a staff. I typed "Staff?" I was shocked to see my chat not appearing, although I could very clearly see other players talking. I had no idea if the people could see me typing, so I continued to try and contact a staff. I told them that I was seemingly floating to the bottom of the world, but no reply came.
By the time I gave up on chat I had reached bedrock. Now that my feet had reached the ground I could not see, it was seemingly the void, I could walk around.
As I walked it did not make sounds of the feet touching rock, and I had been in floating motion again as if flying. I attempted to fly upward, but I did not even jump. I tried logging off of Famcraft, I successfully completed that without anything new happening. Logging back in, I was on the surface of where I recalled being before the glitch. I had all of my existing items and full health, as if nothing happened.
I was wondering if you knew what happened and why it did so and if I could prevent it in the future. Thank you for reading this long post and I'll see you on Famcraft  ;D
That is so weird! The weirdest glitch I have seen! And the screenshots :o
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BOLTS.~Socksie: Say I if you want to see the clan home or join!
BOLTS.Nunjakid: I
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socks1stormy1 left the game.

Offline NickApokalypse

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #12 on February 16, 2016, 10:37:32 AM (Edited February 20, 2016, 01:42:52 PM) »
Frodo, when you start floating down, the computer is still generating blocks and needs to try and catch up to you. This usually means your fps is low. While you are floating through the bedrock do not do anything, not even move your character. This will even make It worse. When you float bAck up to the surface wait for another five minutes so the computer can get ahead of you and raise your fps. Also, while you are floating down, do *not* or try not to take screenshots. This triples your amount of glitching because when minecraft is trying to catch up, it realizes you have freezes. It then backs you up and takes even more time to get you back to the surface. So, my point is, take a brake from minecraft to read or do some extra homework while it generates for five ten minutes. Hope this helps :).
:0 That squid is big!

Offline NickApokalypse

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Re: Floating Down through the ground to Bedrock
« Reply #13 on February 16, 2016, 11:17:49 AM »
Also, when you receive this glitch h your minecraft might crash. Just a warning. :)
:0 That squid is big!