
Author Topic: Why was I banned?  (Read 3742 times)

Offline Xypos

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Why was I banned?
« Opened on December 27, 2015, 09:35:20 PM »
Hello. I'm Xypos and I played on FamCraft quite a while ago. I recently tried to log on to help a friend do something, and it said I was banned. The screen shows no reason, but simply that I have been banned. I don't remember doing anything banworthy, and I'm 90% sure I would remember something like that. Please unban me, or at least tell me the reason for which I was banned.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Why was I banned?
« Reply #1 on December 27, 2015, 10:29:22 PM »

 Thank you for taking the time to inquire about your ban.

 You were tempbanned for 3 days for not replanting a large section of the public farm. We do ask that all players replant what they take.

 During that 3 days you were banned, we added a 1.8 map to Famcraft (The 1.7 one is still here too) and did some other server work. During this time, while sharing the banlist between servers many tempbans were inadvertently migrated as permbans.

 Your ban will be pardoned as it should have expired on Aug.2, 2015.

 We will look forward to seeing you back on the server.