
Author Topic: Unban request lessx  (Read 4338 times)

Offline lessx

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Unban request lessx
« Opened on February 17, 2016, 08:42:53 PM »
My name is lessx and i got banned tonight for death spamming the server. I genuinely apologize for what I did and I absolutely promise to not do it again. I was only doing it to have some fun because I've been going through a really tough time lately, I've been really sad and my friends convinced me to come on minecraft and have some fun. Although i don't understand why the three other people i was with didn't get banned because they did the same thing i did. I only said something because i thought it was pretty unfair that i was only one getting called out. I still apologize profusely because i am truly sorry, but I will also stand by my opinion. I hope you understand and consider my apology please. I really do like the server and hope to come back.
Thank You,

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban request lessx
« Reply #1 on February 17, 2016, 08:58:41 PM (Edited February 17, 2016, 09:00:58 PM) »
 And this is where the issue came in. You would not listen.

 You did not get in trouble for spamming your death- you were just playing, and we totally get that.

 You were banned because you chose to be a smarty-pants rather than listen to what we were saying. You were NOT the only one asked to stop. All you needed to do was just stop spamming your death. No argument required. Please look:

02:12:54 <Famcraft18> lessx tried to swim in lava
02:13:04 <Famcraft18> XshinrasoldierX was blown up by Creeper
02:13:18 <Famcraft18> (SrMod: Chestnut✈) ok back
02:13:37 <Famcraft18> Destros1 tried to swim in lava
02:13:38 <Famcraft18> [iproBuilder777 connected]
02:15:36 <Famcraft18> lessx tried to swim in lava
02:15:46 <Famcraft18> (kfk2005) dos anyone have sheres i can barrow
02:15:47 <Famcraft18> [iproBuilder777 disconnected]
02:15:58 <Famcraft18> lessx tried to swim in lava
02:16:03 <Famcraft18> Chaosbork99 fell from a high place
02:16:11 <Famcraft18> Destros1 tried to swim in lava
02:16:13 <Famcraft18> rextheking111 fell from a high place
02:16:19 <Famcraft18> lessx fell from a high place
02:16:23 <Famcraft18> Destros1 tried to swim in lava
02:16:31 <Famcraft18> Chaosbork99 fell from a high place
02:16:35 <Famcraft18> (SrMod: Chestnut✈) that dont look safe guys and gals
02:16:39 <Famcraft18> Destros1 fell from a high place
02:16:46 <Famcraft18> lessx tried to swim in lava
02:16:51 <Famcraft18> (Mrclean72DAD) to many people kicking the bucket tonight
02:16:54 <Famcraft18> Chaosbork99 fell from a high place
02:16:57 <Famcraft18> rextheking111 tried to swim in lava
02:16:59 <Famcraft18> Destros1 fell from a high place
02:17:08 <Famcraft18> (XshinrasoldierX) yeah a lot too
02:17:12 <Famcraft18> rextheking111 went up in flames
02:17:13 <Famcraft18> Chaosbork99 fell from a high place
02:17:14 <Famcraft18> Destros1 fell from a high place
02:17:24 <Famcraft18> (Mrclean72DAD) guy i have some lava potions for cheap
02:17:25 <Famcraft18> rextheking111 fell from a high place
02:17:28 <Famcraft18> Chaosbork99 fell from a high place
02:17:30 <Famcraft18> Destros1 fell from a high place
02:17:39 <Famcraft18> rextheking111 fell from a high place
02:17:45 <Famcraft18> Chaosbork99 fell from a high place
02:17:47 <Famcraft18> Destros1 fell from a high place
02:17:59 <Famcraft18> Chaosbork99 fell from a high place
02:18:03 <Famcraft18> rextheking111 fell from a high place
02:18:04 <Famcraft18> Destros1 tried to swim in lava
02:18:05 <Famcraft18> lessx tried to swim in lava
02:18:19 <Famcraft18> Chaosbork99 tried to swim in lava
02:18:25 <Famcraft18> Destros1 fell from a high place
02:18:32 <Famcraft18> (Mrclean72DAD) ok you guys have really killed yourself enough now im about to cry
02:18:34 <Famcraft18> rextheking111 tried to swim in lava
02:18:37 <RubensCherub> Uh guys?
02:18:37 <Famcraft18> lessx fell from a high place
02:18:44 <RubensCherub> Please chill with the death spam now.
2:19:00 <Famcraft18> lessx fell from a high place
02:19:19 <RubensCherub> lessx- please stop with the death spam.
02:19:27 <Famcraft18> (lessx) what
02:19:35 <RubensCherub> stop spamming your death, please
02:19:40 <Famcraft18> (lessx) why am i the only one getting called out
02:19:49 <Famcraft18> (SrMod: Chestnut✈) you death messages are spamming the chat channel
02:19:51 <RubensCherub> You are muted- (This is so you would listen instead of talking and getting yourself in trouble.)
02:19:57 <RubensCherub> You were NOT the only one getting called out
02:20:03 <Famcraft18> lessx fell from a high place <- you apparently thought this was cute or something, idk. I didn't.
02:20:09 <RubensCherub> you were the only one continuing AFTER I asked you to stop
02:20:12 <Famcraft18> [lessx was KICKED (Banned: You have been banned, make a plea at FamCraft.com!)]
02:20:13 <Famcraft18> [lessx disconnected]

 So what I need from you is to know that in the future you will read what we say so you will know if you actually want to argue or not. We are not terrible people here. Yall were playing and having fun. We only like to ban troublemakers. You don't seem like a troublemaker to me, but we still need you to pay attention to what staff says.

 If you have read this and understand the issue, please reply here and we will get you back on the server.

Offline lessx

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Re: Unban request lessx
« Reply #2 on February 17, 2016, 09:30:53 PM »
Well I'm glad you think I'm not a troublemaker. Thats good i guess. But anyway i promise to listen from now and do what I'm told. I just didn't think i would've gotten into trouble for something like that. But once again i genuinely apologize for what i did. I understand that it was wrong.
Thank You.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban request lessx
« Reply #3 on February 17, 2016, 09:45:34 PM »
 Thank you. Your ban has been pardoned. See you on the server.