
Author Topic: Please unban me :(  (Read 4305 times)

Offline 11thDoctor314

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Please unban me :(
« Opened on March 13, 2016, 07:05:26 PM (Edited March 13, 2016, 07:07:36 PM) »
please im only 10 im really sorry its been a while, and i think i have matured more. I was very mad at the time because poeple on a server kept calling me a bunch of mean stuff.
I love this server it is really awesome and i really want to be unbanned. I still have not found a good family friendly server and i have been searching for months. Please unban me its my favorite server. :'( I had a house and a lot of stuff and you can just give it so people if i stay banned, and please tell everyone i am sorry. I hope you look at this appeal, and i understand if i stay banned. Famcraft was a safe place for me to play minecraft without bullies, and now every server i go on is mean.If you dont unban me, at least please recommend a good server. username: 10thDoctor314

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Please unban me :(
« Reply #1 on March 14, 2016, 11:43:35 PM »
 I have pardoned you THIS TIME. If you EVER bring that kind of negativity or language into the Famcraft community again, even if you are quoting something someone else said, you will be perm banned, forum banned and have no chance of  a plea. Additionally, if you mention another server here in any context, you will be banned. Please read the rules when you join the server again. Welcome back.