
Author Topic: Unban Plea  (Read 3568 times)

Offline PeskyPlumber

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Unban Plea
« Opened on March 17, 2016, 10:19:59 PM »
Hello, my IGN is PeskyPlumber3619.

I apologize for doubting the choice of words of a staff. To make it up to Madspawner, I would apologize to him directly.
I still do not believe personally that I should have been banned, but if that is the staff's decision, then I will respect that because they run the server for us to play on. The situation involved a staff member telling someone they had issues, so I told him it was rude, but I meant no offense. Later, they told me that they didn't want me to make comments while they were doing their job. So, I told them, (I believe this is a direct quote) "I know, but I don't think you should be calling them that nonetheless." After this, I was banned.

What it really comes down to is 2 things: 1.) Was it rude to tell someone they have issues? And 2.) Is it wrong for me to express my opinion on this because the staff did not have the same opinion?
In my view, looking at these two things, I did not do anything wrong. If you see it differently, please tell me, as one of my goals is to be a very morally correct person.
I do not know if I got a temp or permanent ban, I would be grateful if you could tell me.
To conclude, I do not believe I should have been banned, so I wish for an unban. I admit that I should not have commented about a staff's decision during this situation, so I am sorry for that. If this is only a temp ban, I would be okay waiting as long as it is not longer than a day.
Thank you for your time.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban Plea
« Reply #1 on March 17, 2016, 11:56:02 PM »
 It was in no way your place to be pointing out anything you saw as "flaws" in the way a situation you knew NOTHING about was being handled. It is not a players job to give opinions on how staff is dealing with situations. The staff team knows what they are doing. We all work very hard to make sure that the rules are followed and the server remains a safe and happy place.

 You had absolutely no idea what was going on, the efforts being made by the staff member in the situation or the terrible behavior of some VERY misguided players.

 You were disrespectful and rude to a moderator who was already dealing with a stressful situation. We very honestly do not need players on this server who find it appropriate to provide commentary for situations of this nature.

 While I know many of you disagree with the way things are handled here, I am proud of the Famstaff team for all the endure on a daily basis to keep the server a safe and moderated place for the players who DO care to follow the rules and be a part of a community like ours. I am also proud of the players who make every effort to follow the rules and help us keep peace here.

 As for you... You'll need to keep server hunting. You simply won't be welcome back here. Farewell.