
Author Topic: HotaruRen Ban Plea  (Read 3849 times)

Offline HotaruRen

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HotaruRen Ban Plea
« Opened on April 04, 2016, 07:58:56 PM »
I just stumbled across this family friendly server for my 6 year old daughter. I am sitting next to her making sure everything is okay. She is welcomed, and told to read the rules.
She looks and sees that there is a lot of reading. (She has minor dyslexia and is not great at reading.)
As I'm going through the rules with her, making sure she understands everything, she is banned.
She has done nothing wrong, and this is her first time playing with other people.
If she can be unbanned, as she has done nothing, she would be very happy.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: HotaruRen Ban Plea
« Reply #1 on April 04, 2016, 08:11:49 PM »
 This account will not be welcome here. We really don't spend a lot of time on players who show up to troll. The parent/child act is not new to us. We have plenty of actual parent/child teams here and the people who are trolling are pretty easy for us to spot.

 This account joined claiming this to be their first server. The account has played on, and been banned from other servers. Additionally, this account has changed it's name several times. Not something we tend to see for players joining a server for the first time.

 The near instant plea as a "parent" is also pretty typical in these types of cases.

 Additionally this account has been presented as a "child" while a simple search reveals instances of introductions of this account holder as an older teen.

 Please look elsewhere for your trolling needs. Famcraft is not the place for you.