
Author Topic: Would like to know the reason HyperNene was banned  (Read 4282 times)

Offline HyperNene

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Would like to know the reason HyperNene was banned
« Opened on May 21, 2016, 03:56:12 PM »

My son just started on the server yesterday and I am trying to help him learn how to play on the computer. He went through the tour and seemed to grasp the majority of the rules. It seems he got banned and I am unsure why. I asked him and he thinks it was because he accidentally broke someone's sign, but claims he fixed it right after. Any help would be appreciated as I would like him to play somewhere safe with a community of players that will tolerate a child.

Thank you for your time and hopefully we can get this matter resolved.

Offline RubensCherub

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 Thank you for taking the time to inquire about the ban of your child.

 He quite thoroughly griefed a players home, breaking and/or placing blocks all throughout. This is clearly covered in the rules and also in the tour. We absolutely do not tolerate griefing on Famcraft. The players for hard for their materials, and work hard to build their homes. It is not ever okay for a player to destroy another player's work.  :(

 We do log each and every block transaction on the server so we can be certain who breaks/places each block.

Offline HyperNene

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Thanks for the rapid response.

I am deeply saddened by my son's actions and completely understand. I made sure to go over "griefing" with him multiple times and apparently he chose to ignore the rules. I hoped he would do well on your server as he has dealt with people destroying his builds and stealing his stuff on other servers and was very upset about it.  I do apologize for any trouble he caused and at this time will not plea for him to be unbanned. Hopefully he will learn from this and choose to make better decisions in the future.

Thanks again for your time and I appreciate that he was given a chance.