
Author Topic: Plea to be unbanned  (Read 3984 times)

Offline ninjastar

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Plea to be unbanned
« Opened on August 24, 2016, 11:19:45 AM »
Hello -- this is Wolverine Peter/herobrine153 + ninjastar's Mom. This was posted below but I think it must have been in a wrong thread, and also is confusing as it's posted as being from ninjastar. I've tried logging in with the email Peter uses, but it just says that it does not exist -- even though when I requested for the password to be reset it did come to the correct email. I'm not sure how to fix this. Our sons are not playing minecraft much anymore, but Peter would like to see if he can get unbanned as he's been banned for awhile now.

dear rubenscherub,           

 I have been away alot this summer so when I got back and saw that I was banned and I could'nt figure out why, then it hit me, my brother (ninja star) had been teasing me and saying some really not nice things outside the server not on the computer and I said something not very nice accidentally on the server it confused me because I had been talking to someone else and personally I was talking to ninja star so I accidentally typed something bad to ninja star when I didn't mean to I am very sorry for spamming I understand that is one of the main rules of Famcraft and I definetly did NOT mean to break I completely understand if you don't unban me I love this server and did not mean to spam.

                                                                            sincerely, herobrine153 (Wolverinepeter

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #1 on August 24, 2016, 03:50:46 PM »
 Pleas are not top priority, and are dealt with as we are able to get to them.

 Herobrine153 said something very upsetting and insulting to another player via/ msg. Even if this is a friend or sibling in real life, this type of thing is not acceptable on Famcraft. It is important that players remain kind and respectful of one another on this server.

 I will unban Herobrine153 at this time. Please keep chat kind.