This story was created by DunnoUsername, MaggieTron, Taslekio, and FamcraftHobo. Everyone took turns saying sentences, and look what was created!
DISCLAIMER: Lots of transformations!
Once upon a time, in the magical land of Cyraela, there lived a small man. His name was Nathan. Nathan went to the store to buy his favorite item, which was a cookie, which had way more sodium than he could digest. So, he turned into a car and flew into Narnia. And in Narnia, he conquered all ... except for one person. That one person's name was Tabitha, and she was a donut. And Tabitha turned into a video game console because of her tummy syndromes. Tabitha was really angry so she turned Nathan into a running.Then, Nathan became a purple apple made of yellow stained glass, then he flew into the sky forever. THE END
From Tas