Ahh the guy who payed $350 for Microsoft Essentials, lol!!!! sorry I had to bring that up, it must have been the funniest lie in the 26 years I've lived. Well we have come to an agreement to switch your permaban to a 7 day temporary ban. You can consider yourself lucky.
also i think it was i tiny bit unfare to get banned for life for it so plz could i be unbanned? 
A tiny bit? mods are one of the things we permaban instantly, its clearly in the rules. Just like griefing. As I stated above, consider yourself lucky, we welcome all players, but you must play with the rules, otherwise we won't tolerate it.
Reason for rule.
We don't allow "cheaty" mods cause we don't want to cheat other players. especiallly those who don't know how to mod, plus the game gets boring too quick cause it's sooo easy. We want "fair" play. Everyone to have the similar experience. Those who do not know the basic game, we tend to teach them so they understand. We also even give support to some mods which we do allow (optifine, radar, etc), but what we don't know we can't teach.
As far for plugins, that's seperate, we do not give support to those cause you don't use plugins to play on our server, you only need mods, which really you don't, not with all the plugins we use. You have everything in a command (/sethome, /money, /ma, /clan, /ps, /etc).
I hope you understand how we work, it's a fair SURVIVAL server. Next time you will not even have the chance to make a plea. We only ask you follow rules, not much to do. I hope to see you soon, and we always want to see all players who join, staying. (why else offer a public free server to the public?)