
Author Topic: Ban Plea for Hannah5121 (Hannah5121's Mom)  (Read 3830 times)

Offline MugsyMugs

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Ban Plea for Hannah5121 (Hannah5121's Mom)
« Opened on January 01, 2017, 12:37:30 PM »

I have spoken with my daughter at great length for why she was banned and I apologize that I helped her initially with her plea that did not provide enough detail.  She is devastated that her actions and lack of focus caused her to be banned.  According to her, she was given some potions by another player which she drank and then she thinks the person realized that they had given her too many and asked for them back in chat.  My daughter was not paying attention to the chat and did not see the player or the staff ask her to give back the potions and they had to ask several times and that is why she said she was banned.  Can you confirm that to be accurate?

I have spoken with her at great length over these last few days regarding the rules and she now understands the importance of being aware of the chats and the other players and working together rather than focusing on her own game.  She knows that she needs to be aware, especially when interacting with other players, of what they may need to help them in the game as well.  I don't believe that she intentionally tried to grief anyone.  I really think she was not paying close attention to the chat and she has definitely learned her lesson.  Can you please confirm that the above is accurate and if so, can you please unban her as I am confident she will not make this mistake again and will follow the rules which we have addressed in great detail.

Michelle (Hannah5121's mom)

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Ban Plea for Hannah5121 (Hannah5121's Mom)
« Reply #1 on January 05, 2017, 09:07:32 PM »
 Hannah was not banned for this single incident. She was banned for continual rule skirting and making an effort to constantly gain the staff's attention.
  She frequently makes questionable statements in chat and immediately follows them with "jk" as if that excuses the fact that she's said or asked something concerning or offensive. If she knows to follow with "jk"she likely knows not to make the statement in the first place.

 She seems to keep her chat right at the edge of the rules most of the time. It seems like one staff member or another is having to correct her constantly. We really prefer not to have to police conversation so closely. It's much better if players make an effort to know and follow the rules.

 At the time she was banned I was trying to handle a situation involving her and another player. I needed to ask a few questions and sort out the situation so they could both resume playing. The whole time I was trying to talk to them, Hannah just repeated "Don't ban me, please don't ban me." Which prevented me from being able to work anything out with them. The staff as well as several players needed a break from her behavior.

 We hope she has had the time to think about things and will try to follow the rules and be more respectful of the staff and other players upon her return. Hannah has been unbanned. We will look forward to seeing her on the server again, hopefully a bit calmer and more thoughtful with her chat.