
Author Topic: FnnxGalaxy's Plea to be Unbanned (Mom RubyGalaxies)  (Read 4126 times)

Offline RubyGalaxies

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FnnxGalaxy's Plea to be Unbanned (Mom RubyGalaxies)
« Opened on April 28, 2017, 04:07:42 PM »
im sorry for killing agentmums villagers and for lying to agentmum and chestnut i know what i did was hurtful and very wrong i feel very disapointed in myself and sad that i hurt my friends i will never ever do anything like that again and wil always tell the truth and leave other players things allone i had a long talk with my mom and we red all the rules again i love famcraft and i hope i come back on pls  :(

***This is FnnxGalaxy's mom, RubyGalaxies. I had Fnnx type out his plea up top from his heart with a little spelling help when needed. Fnnx and I had a really long heart to heart last night and talked about his actions. He feels so embarrassed and hopes that he will be let back onto Famcraft. I was shown last night by Chestnut what purpose villagers have and how much hard work it takes to get them and use them. I had no idea and nor did Fnnx so I made sure to explain to him how important it is to not kill the villagers. We read the rules together again and he is understanding just how wrong what he did was. And the lying. That was completely unacceptable and I have made that VERY clear to him. I am usually either playing alongside or right in the room with him to help him out when needed and this was a time where I was not. So I will do my part as his parent and fellow Famcraft player and lover of Famcraft to help guide him from here on out. I appreciate all that you guys and gals do to make this SUCH a safe place for our children! We both love it here. So thank you for calling him out on his wrong doings and we hope you will accept his plea to have him unbanned. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Offline ChestNut

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Thanks for taking the time to sit down with him and explain how this all works.

After talking with AgentMum more last night, it looks like AgentRockstar is running a clan out of the same village AgentMum and AgentRockstar live in.  This gives FnnxGalay all the right to be at the village. There are no posted rules at the village / clan base about killing the villagers. With this in mind, I did reduce Fnnx Ban to a temp ban for 3 day with a chance of early return if he pleas.

With the nice plea I will be unbanning him early.  I hope he can see that being honest would of stop all this, and that Griefing is never ok.

"Griefing. An act that cusses another player Grief or undue stress in their game play."

To AgentMum it was really no big deal to deal with the getting more villagers.  To admin a few clicks on the keyboard to restore the damage. To other player the same age as Fnnx this could be very stress full knowing some one did that and can do it again.     

Hope to see Fnnx back in game soon.

Offline RubyGalaxies

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Thank you for the clarification. That is making much more sense now on this end. I believe he wasn't fully aware that they were AgentMums villagers. When he came to me very upset that he couldn't log back on and was super confused by what happened he was telling me that villagers were coming into his house and he started to get upset that they wouldn't leave so he thought he had to kill them to get them out of his house. Last night once you let me know that they were AgentMums and I then let HIM know they were AgentMums villagers he was really upset because he hadn't realized they were owned by her. And yes, he is part of their Kiwi clan and didn't really know he couldn't kill villagers. Appreciate you checking into things a bit more. Thanks for lifting the ban Chestnut.
