
Author Topic: Plea To Be Unbanned  (Read 4500 times)

Offline 92_Sobbing_Cows

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Plea To Be Unbanned
« Opened on July 04, 2017, 12:37:50 AM »

I am 92_Sobbing_Cows this account is run by me and my older Brother, his actions lead to our account to be banned. My Brother was in a skype call with 2 of my friends SirShovel and opus3000, opus3000 was also banned later for joining in on what my Brother did. My Brother used foul language and made a suicide joke. opus3000 later said "he's always like is" or something of the sort. They were both banned quickly leaving my friend SirShovel in shock, he had nothing to do with it. I believe he soon stopped playing the server because we couldn't play. But now he has joined the server again and is starting to play again and I was greeted by a ban message upon trying to join him. I want to play again but due to my Brothers actions I cant. What do I do, and what should I do? My brother doesn't really care about Minecraft anymore.

Thank you for reading

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea To Be Unbanned
« Reply #1 on August 05, 2017, 12:23:11 PM »
 There were other issues with this account. Regardless of who you claim was using the account at the time, it will not be allowed back on Famcraft. Thanks for understanding. Happy server hunting.