
Author Topic: Post-Discussion with Child After Ban  (Read 4259 times)

Offline Aursiia

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Post-Discussion with Child After Ban
« Opened on August 11, 2017, 12:05:48 PM (Edited August 14, 2017, 03:38:18 PM) »
To Whom it May Concern:

My child was banned today, (gamershadowgirl is her username) due to a simple rule-violation.  Apparently she advertised her single-player server (which, to be honest, I didn't know she could even invite anyone to) to another player.

She started bawling the moment she was notified about how hard she worked in FamCraft and we discussed the ban.

I told her it is a simple rule that is within most games on most servers and she cannot do that.  She ensures that she will follow the rules and I ensure, that if she is unbanned, if she violates any other rules and is banned again, she will have to suffer the consequences without Mom pleading for any bans to be removed.

Edit:  We have also since re-reviewed the rules, together, three days ago, to make sure she understands them fully.  I apologize, myself, as apparently she wanted to play on her single player server and was "lonely."  I explained to her that's what single player means...self...alone.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  I will patiently await a decision and notify her once one is made.

Offline Aursiia

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Re: Post-Discussion with Child After Ban
« Reply #1 on August 15, 2017, 04:45:36 PM »
My apologies for my reply to this, however, I am REALLY concerned, as a parent, now, that maybe I'm not getting the whole story and there's something I really need to speak with my child about.  I understand taking care of those who follow the rules, first, but no response for almost 5 days makes me wonder if I need to ground my child from the computer since the moment I left her alone she was banned and it is making me think that there must be something else that was serious that I don't know about when I had to step away from the computer

I'd like to deal with this as a parent, and since I was in the bathroom when she got banned, instead of watching her screen, I have no idea, other than what she says/what the ban line says.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Post-Discussion with Child After Ban
« Reply #2 on August 15, 2017, 08:47:44 PM (Edited August 15, 2017, 08:53:19 PM) »
 Pleas are one of the last priorities we have here. Only admins reply to pleas, only as we are able and only once we have decided how we wish to proceed. Members of the admin team have extensive lives outside of the game/forum as well. We have jobs, families and homes to take care of. Sometimes we just have to be patient and wait- Thanks for understanding.

 Your child tried to evade our "No advertising" rules by writing down her invitation in an unsigned book (thinking it would not be noticed). This is a method frequently used to share "secrets" or things players do not want staff to know- so we feel confident she knew she was breaking a rule as she uses /msg and public chat quite well for everything else.
 The player she was advertising to declined her invitation. It then became clear that she had invited a couple of other players to her server, as well.
 I messaged her privately and asked her not to advertise here. All she had to do was say "ok" or drop the topic entirely. Instead she complained in /msg and in public chat that no one would join her world. As a result, she was banned.

 She was asked to not advertise/discuss other servers privately in /msg,

 She was told using this auto response:

[11:47] <@AuBot> [79] ^advert: Absolutely no advertising OR DISCUSSION of other Minecraft servers is allowed here, in public or private chat. This includes everything from very famous , popular servers to personal home based servers. Please DO NOT ask for  assistance with your server. We do not offer tech-support for non-Famcraft servers.

 And directly warned by a different admin.

[11:48] <@Kealper> discussion of any servers other than Famcraft while on Famcraft is a really fast way to be banned, that includes realms

 Then continued with:

gamershadowgirl: *sigh* i guess none will  ( as in none will join her server/realm/world)

 At this point, I explained to her why she was being banned and directed her to the forum so she could post a plea for herself if she wanted to follow the rules. We do prefer pleas to come from the players whenever possible, especially if the player is able to communicate so well in chat.

 I am going to pardon gamershadowgirl at this time. Please make sure she understands that our rules matter. They are here to help keep the community safe. We will see her on the server.

Offline Aursiia

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Re: Post-Discussion with Child After Ban
« Reply #3 on August 15, 2017, 10:07:51 PM »
Thank you so much for your reply.  I will share and discuss this with her, tomorrow.  I kind of figured there was more to it.  I appreciate you taking the time to investigate and reply.  I will not allow her to join until I am sure she understands.