
Author Topic: HulkRabban's plea (emailed)  (Read 4153 times)

Offline Kealper

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HulkRabban's plea (emailed)
« Opened on December 16, 2017, 12:13:49 PM »
HulkRabban has emailed the following plea:

I am sorry for what I did. I realize I broke one of the rules which was being unkind to one of the players, (AKA future_gamer123). I am going to fix it by apologizing and not being unkind to players anymore. I will not post unkind messages when talking to other players and when posting signs. I have went over all the rules again with my parents and promise this will not happen again. I realize this is was not a temporary ban. I promise if I can have another chance I will follow the rules and make better choices.
Thank you,

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: HulkRabban's plea (emailed)
« Reply #1 on December 26, 2017, 02:55:46 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to write a plea.

 It is very important to understand that Famcraft is a place for players to play together and enjoy a game. It's supposed to be a bit of a break from the stresses of the outside world. We want all players to be able to join, follow the rules, be kind to one another and just have fun.

 When we see players who are using unkind words, being pushy or bossy or otherwise unfriendly towards other players, we know those other players cannot possibly be enjoying their time on Famcraft to the fullest.

 We do understand that in some cases, players know each other outside the server. Sometimes they are real-life friends or relatives.
 We know real-life interactions tend to differ from your time on Famcraft, and we are happy you have other ways to have fun together- but here on Famcraft, we need to be sure everything stays friendly, kind and light-hearted.

 We are going to unban you this one final time. Please make absolutely sure that you play nicely and keep your chat friendly- this includes your chat in public and private messages, on signs, in books and in every other form of communication you may choose to use on Famcraft. If you have something more serious to discuss and your not sure how to proceed, please talk with a parent or a staff member to find a resolution that stays within the rules and within the spirit of Famcraft.

 We will look forward to seeing you back on the server. Welcome back.