
Author Topic: Plea for Second Chance  (Read 5131 times)

Offline pterrr

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Plea for Second Chance
« Opened on April 30, 2018, 09:22:34 PM (Edited May 02, 2018, 08:17:33 AM) »
Hello. I am pterrr. I logged onto Famcraft a couple of days ago (not for the first time, but first time recently) and tried to talk, I can't remember exactly what I typed, but I got a response from the NoSwear swear filter. I continued to try to talk and multiply got the NoSwear notification. I ask a few questions and continued. I again tried to talk in chat and was greeted with a big NoSwear filter message. Out of peer frustration I said something in the range of "Your swear filter sucks" or something. Then immediately, without warning, got banned. I was quite confused to be honest, for the reason was: "<3". I tried to go to the forums to plea immediately and got a big error message, I tried contacting admins to get nothing but changing my banned reason to: "One person's trash is another person's treasure. <3". This was really frustrating, finally I got through and got my account on the forums and  here I am. :)

Look I understand that I did something wrong, and I would really appreciate getting a second chance. I was, and am, eager to play on Famcraft for the survival world and family-friendly community. I understand the rules, for I have read through them multiple times since my ban. If you do choose to pardon me, I promise not to repeat this, and in all stay away from chat. I came to Famcraft because it was a family-friendly community and to play with my younger brother. Again, I would really appreciate a second chance, and I am deeply sorry for the trouble I caused.

EDIT: I realized looking back at this that I never clarified that what I was typing was in no way inappropriate or against the rules, until I said this swear filter sucks.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea for Second Chance
« Reply #1 on May 09, 2018, 12:59:57 AM »
 Logging into any new community and complaining about the tools in place to keep that community safe and clean is not a great idea.
 We don't think this is the server for you. Sorry, but we're going to have to pass. Happy server hunting.

Offline pterrr

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Re: Plea for Second Chance
« Reply #2 on May 09, 2018, 02:48:10 PM »
I understand this, and have read through the rules multiple times. What I don't understand is how the staff handled this, it's really frustrating when all you see is a plugins pop up warning in chat. I'd really appreciate a second chance, please... I'm sorry.

Offline Kealper

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Re: Plea for Second Chance
« Reply #3 on May 10, 2018, 01:25:41 AM »
We're comfortable with how this was handled.

You logged in and immediately said things that were blocked by the chat filter. That specific thing you initially said wasn't that severe, but everything in the chat filter is there for a reason. Once you had said it and seen it was blocked, you said another message that was blocked, which again, wasn't too severe in the grand scheme of things but still...

Afterwards, you asked what IRC was, as I was speaking from it at the time. I used a tool from IRC that allows staff to relay consistent information, and directed it to give you information about what IRC was. You attempted to use the keyword that would supply that specific information after I had used it, and that was of course blocked by the filter, as it's a staff-only tool. Immediately after that was blocked, you said "WHAT" and a staff member informed you that it was a staff tool and not something everyone could use.

I sent another message using that same tool that told you a bit about why the filter was catching so many things. The message said this:
Occasionally the swear filter will catch a non-swear word, or spam (repeating characters). If this happens, you will receive an automatic warning from the server. Staff can still see when your message is blocked by the filter, so staff will know if what you said was actually bad or not.

After you had read that message explaining that not everything the chat filter catches is a swear word, and that we use it for other things, such as spam-control, you literally said "your swear filter is trash". Which was blocked because we don't want people calling things "trash" in our chat, by the way.

So you're telling us that our chat filter is "trash" because most of what you want to say here is exactly the sort of stuff we don't want in our chat for one reason or another.

Happy server hunting!  :)