
Author Topic: Plea to be unban  (Read 3511 times)

Offline TTV_VenomZ

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Plea to be unban
« Opened on August 19, 2020, 04:40:59 PM (Edited August 23, 2020, 05:03:01 PM) »
Hello Famcraft admins I am Jordan. My friend Steven plead for me but you said he cant plea for me so here is my plea. My username is TTV_VenomZ. I was a few minutes into the game as a new player when my friends invited me to their clan. After I got invited, my friends left to go eat lunch. Since my friends where gone I wanted to explore the area by myself also to go get some wood. When I was getting wood near the clan home I saw a hut with a sign that said' "Public Hut, anyone can use", without knowing the rules of the game I started breaking the hut for its wood planks. when I was almost done I saw a random player behind me in full enchanted diamond armor, it was egi but at the time I didn't know it was an admin, then he said in chat, "Hmmm... this looks like some griefing, then, I got scared that the diamond might kill me. So I ran of into the woods to my clan base. If I had known egi was an admin I would have tried to explain myself. and when I got back to my clan base I got temporarily banned for the reason of griefing, but then an hour later I was permanently banned for the reason: You are no long welcome to play here, after that I was upset that I wasn't going to be able to play this game with my friends. After I told my friends I got banned they explained me the rules and now I know what I did was wrong, and know all the rules of how to play in this family friendly server and respect them. I'm terribly sorry if I caused any harm to the server and I promise to never violate the rules ever again so I can have a fun time with my friends. Those are my words, I hope you understand and can give me a second chance.