
Author Topic: Seeking the reason for a ban  (Read 4185 times)

Offline yellowbro2e88

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Seeking the reason for a ban
« Opened on October 13, 2020, 12:37:23 PM »
Yellowbro2e88 is my son, and he tells me that he was banned this morning.  He further tells me that he has no idea what the reason could be, but he was banned and forgiven back in the spring (just after we joined) for spamming and said the same.  Naturally I understand if the ban is permanent this time, but I would be grateful for an explanation so we can talk about it. 
In case it impacts your decision about the ban, we did insist after the spamming incident that yellowbro only play with his big brother, and he also seemed to take following the rules quite seriously (spamming in particular).  My impression is that they were spending more and more time and were excited about learning to survive and starting to participate in the Famcraft economy.
I apologize for whatever aggravation or disruption my son may have caused, and thanks for all you do!

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Seeking the reason for a ban
« Reply #1 on October 14, 2020, 12:23:59 PM »
 Yellowbro2e88 was tempbanned for 14 days for griefing. They took many item frames and ladders from another player's home. yellowbro2e88 will be able to return once the ban expires, but if this happens again it will be a perm-ban.

Offline yellowbro2e88

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Re: Seeking the reason for a ban
« Reply #2 on October 18, 2020, 08:53:36 AM »
Thank you very much for your response.  I’ve talked with him about it, and he apologized, explaining that he didn’t realize he was at a player’s house, as opposed to a villager’s.  Next time, he says he will ask his brother or another player if he isn’t sure whether a home belongs to another player.  He also said thank you for not banning him permanently.