
Author Topic: banned  (Read 5899 times)

Offline minecraftkid5505

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« Opened on January 19, 2013, 05:04:04 PM »
Hello, this is me, and i would like to be un-baned. I know its a 3 day temp ban but I really like the server  and would like to come back in

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: banned
« Reply #1 on January 19, 2013, 08:22:58 PM (Edited January 19, 2013, 10:11:06 PM) »
Hi MinecraftKid,

 I'm sorry, but you will have to wait for your 3 day ban to be over. We can't allow you to come back any sooner.

 When your ban is over, you will be able to come back and play, but you need to understand this will be your LAST CHANCE to prove that you can follow the rules and play nicely. If you break even ONE rule, you will be permanently banned, forever, with no chance to plea and return. 

 I have received many, many complaints from the other players and staff about your behavior. It is not fair to the other players who are following the rules to allow you to stay on the server if you can not behave.

 Some of the problems you will want to avoid when you return are:

*Spam - I want to make sure you understand what spam is. Spam is repeating ANYTHING too many times. Here are some examples of spam.

Example 1:

Who wants to join my clan?
Who wants to join my clan?
Who wants to join my clan?
Someone please join my clan.
Plz join my clan.

Example 2:

 I killed a zombie and he dropped a potato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   <--- see all the !!!!! , those are spam

Example 3:

OOOooohhhhh nooooo! I died AGAIN!  <------ Spam, because of all the extra letters

*The next problem we have with you is BEGGING- constantly. Your begging is also spamming.

 Do NOT ask other players for MONEY, FOOD, WEAPONS, BUILDING SUPPLIES or ANYTHING else. Every single player on Famcraft WORKS for what they have. You know how to play this game. Do your jobs, earn some money for yourself. Plant a farm, harvest some food. STOP begging players and staff for things.

*The next problem- PVP.

 PVP must ALWAYS be agreed upon. Whacking someone with your sword is NOT the way to test and find out if PVP is on. You ASK and then you wait for a reply.  You make SURE the other person wants to PVP, and  then you still must both agree to the terms of the fight.

 Agreeing to the terms on PVP means making sure you both know what happens to your items  if the other player wins.

*Another issue-

DO NOT mine with other players, then jump ahead of them to take their finds, or to collect their XP.

DO NOT stand near someone at an XP farm and collect their XP

DO NOT collect other player's XP while hunting with them.

 Next problem...

 Be RESPECTFUL of other players,  of other players build space, and of other players time. If you are helping someone with a project, and they tell you NOT to break or place things past a certain point- listen to them, respect their wishes.

 While Famcraft is a public server, it is a PRIVILEGE to play here. We like to have players who respect the rules, and play nicely together. You have not been fitting that description lately.   

 About half of the staff wanted this ban to be permanent. This is your LAST chance. We are all prepared to bid you farewell if things do not work out this time.

 Please take the rest of your time away from the server to think about how you can improve your behavior. See you soon.

 If any other Staff has something to add, please feel free to reply.