FamCraft offers a Mumble server to our players. The server is located at mumble.famcraft.com
The Mumble server has the same family friendly chat rules as the entire Famcraft family of servers.Please keep these rules in mind when joining the chat.
Abusive, racist, sexual, drug-related, belligerent, political, and generally offensive remarks will not be tolerated in posts, text, skin, private messages, or nick/screen names.
We ask that you use your in game name when you visit us on the Famcraft Mumble server.
Mumble is a free voice chat app available for Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs as well as a variety of mobile devices. If you do not have a mic, you do have the option of typing in the chat window. You will still be able to hear the other players and respond to them via text.
Thank you to ChipW for this terrific step-by-step Mumble setup video-
https://www.youtube.com/embed/74m8SBiwdeo You can find Mumble for Windows and OS X here:
Windows InstallerMac OS X Installer Mumble on Linux can be found in your distribution's software repository, under the package name "mumble".
Mumble for iDevices (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) can be found on the iTunes App Store, and there are a couple of third party options available for Android on the Google Play Store.
Once you download and install the app, it is easy to connect to the Famcraft server.
For Windows, OS X, and Linux:Download and install the app. Then Click Server > Connect

This should bring up a window named "Mumble Server Connect" near the bottom of the window, click "Add New.." button.
In the "Add Server" window that pops up, add the following information:
Label: Famcraft (You can call it anything)
Address: mumble.famcraft.com
Port: 64738 (This is the default port)
UserName: InGameName
Then click OK

In the "Mumble Server Connect" window, Highlight the server you've just added, and click "Connect" to connect to the Famcraft Mumble server.

If you are having issues with your mic, you can check the audio transmission setting in Configure> Settings > Audio. From here you will be able to select the voice transmission type that is right for you.
For iDevices: Download and install the free app.
Select "Favorite Servers" from the main page.

Select the "+" sign in the upper right corner to add a new server.

On the "New Favorite" page enter the following info:
Description: Famcraft (You can call it anything)
Address: mumble.famcraft.com
Port: 64738 (This is the default port)
UserName: InGameName
Password: (Leave this blank!)
Click "Done"

Clicking "Done" will show you your "Favorite Servers" list.

Highlight the Famcraft mumble server you've just added, and select "Connect" from the menu to connect to mumble.famcraft.com

If you are having issues with your mic, you can see the audio properties by returning to the main page, and selecting "Preferences" from the top left corner.

Click "Transmission" to select the voice transmission type that is right for you.