
Author Topic: Deeply Sorry  (Read 5775 times)

Offline awesomelycam711

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Deeply Sorry
« Opened on March 08, 2013, 09:59:10 AM »
I have done something that I have never should have done. I used x-ray and was hacking to find diamonds. I know it is an awful thing to do and am deeply sorry. I never realized how amazing the server was till I got banned from it. If i were to join FamCraft again I would try to be more helpful and never hack again. I'm not sure what I can do to make up for it but if you have any ideas I will do it. I tried other servers but none of them had all the friendly community and awesome plugins. I will never greif, hack, or kill people on the server. I will try to be more helpful and try to help in many ways. Even though I can't take back what I did and I will somehow or someway make up for it. I'm not sure if any of the admins have grudges on me but I will try my best to make others on the server happy. I admit to what I did and feel deeply sorry. May I please be unbanned from this amazing server?

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Deeply Sorry
« Reply #1 on March 10, 2013, 06:38:16 PM »
 You have been unbanned and may return to Famcraft. Please know that if you are caught breaking any other rules, you will be permanently banned with no chance of a plea.
 It is unfair to our legit players for people to use mods like Xray to advance themselves in a game while other players put genuine effort and time into collecting their resources.
  Thank you for taking the time to plea. We look forward to seeing you back on the server.

Offline micahdg

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Re: Deeply Sorry
« Reply #2 on March 11, 2013, 01:54:09 AM »
awesomelycam711, as per our normal policy when an xrayer is unbanned, we have removed all your money, possessions, and homes. We welcome you back, but you must start fresh.
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BNVS.<tyty1147> ima do a test
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