
Author Topic: Banned from mumble.  (Read 5680 times)

Offline zombiepigman2x2

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Banned from mumble.
« Opened on April 11, 2013, 05:53:11 AM (Edited April 11, 2013, 06:29:39 AM) »
It has come to my attention that to many of the people I consider friends that I have been extremely rude and disrespectful. I did not know this until I got banned this morning. I am requesting to be unbanned now that people have gotten to share their true feelings with me. I was banned for arguing with an admin today. Over something as frivolous as a video card. I didn't think the video card was important at all, but felt like I was being attacked and needed to defend my self. Not to be mistaken for an excuse as for my rudeness, and in no way of condoning what I did, but a glimpse into how I was feeling at the time. If I am let back on to the server I will apologize to said admin, but ask that he do so in return. Only in doing this can we put this all in the past.

best wishes and good travels

Offline Kealper

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Re: Banned from mumble.
« Reply #1 on April 11, 2013, 02:19:03 PM »
Hi, and thank you for taking the time to plea!

You were banned from Mumble for saying "so ban me then" when I had told you that I would ban you if you kept talking over me like you were. It is true that both of us were getting a little bit loud at each other over a discussion of what a GPU is, but the real reason you were banned was simply based on your response you gave.

Because I'm feeling nice, I have set your ban to expire in 24 hours. I hope this gives you some quiet time to reflect on the fact that responding in the way you did, and acting out in the way you have done in the past with myself and other staff members, is not appropriate and will lead to punishments such as this.

And please do not think that we all hate you or something, because that is not the case. If we did not enjoy your company, you would have known. You're an interesting person to talk to and you've established yourself as a member of our great community, but you've just got a bit of a rough edge that can some times rub people the wrong way.

I'm willing to put this behind me if you are, and I look forward to Mumbling with you again in 24 hours!