
Author Topic: Ban Plea  (Read 5133 times)

Offline Will20572wil

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Ban Plea
« Opened on April 24, 2013, 10:01:30 PM »
I flew on top of the tree trying to find my friends who i lost while cutting down a tree. The way I will fix it is by turning off all of my Hacks now that i realized that it only makes the game less enjoyable for others and me.

Well I see that I was banned by a JrAdmin because I was flying when i should not have been but on the other hand I could have easily climbed the tree.

Ban Info: I was Banned permanently :( For Flying.

                                                                                                               -Sincerely Will20572wil

Offline Thoatt

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Re: Ban Plea
« Reply #1 on April 24, 2013, 10:26:28 PM »
Your plea, more than likely, would have been accepted. But you logged onto 3 other accounts, ray20572ray, kevin98911kev, and JJ555007, and were caught flying on each of those accounts.

Due to this, you will NOT be allowed back to Famcraft.

Have fun hunting for other servers to fly on.