
Author Topic: How to Downgrade Minecraft (Windows, Mac, and Linux)  (Read 13273 times)

Offline SuperNova_2

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How to Downgrade Minecraft (Windows, Mac, and Linux)
« Opened on March 12, 2013, 06:40:14 PM (Edited May 03, 2013, 05:08:12 PM) »
As you all know 1.5.2 is out and some people may accidently update to 1.5.2. :o Don't worry! There is a solution! This involves downloading a fresh .jar file (legally) from minecraft.net! I will take you step by step on how to downgrade.

Step 1 - Download you fresh .jar by going to http://assets.minecraft.net/1_5_1/minecraft.jar  (You can replace the "1_5_1" with any version you would like but any version lower will not be compatible with the server.)

Step 2 - In your start menu (Windowns icon in bottom left corner) Type %Appdata% in the search menu. [If you do not have to option, run the "RUN" program and type %Appdata% in there. Press ENTER.

Step 3 - Open the .minecraft folder

Step 4 - Open the folder that says "Bin"

Step 5 - Delete the minecraft.jar file (Minecraft 1.5.2 jar file in this situation)

Step 6 - Replace the .jar file with the newly downloaded 1.5.1 .jar

Step 7 - Run minecraft and enjoy FamCraft!!!

[15:57] <@SuperNova_2> "Gotta love those internal server errors" - Sasikins 2014
[15:57] <+Famcraft_FTB> [Sasikins was KICKED (Internal server error)]
[15:57] <+Famcraft_FTB> [Sasikins disconnected]

Offline Kealper

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How to Downgrade Minecraft (Mac OS X, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint)
« Reply #1 on March 13, 2013, 07:55:11 AM (Edited May 02, 2013, 06:21:20 PM) »
If you are not using Windows, downgrading your Minecraft is very simple and can be done with just a few quick clicks in many Unix-like operating systems such as OS X, Ubuntu, Linux  Mint, and more!

NOTE: The image in the Ubuntu/Linux Mint section are from Linux Mint using Nemo but the instructions should work for Nautilus too. If you encounter any issues with this guide, please don't hesitate to let me know so I can correct it.

For Mac OS X:
Open up Finder and use the "Go to folder..." option, and enter:
Code: [Select]
~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin

You should see a few different files, find the one called "minecraft.jar" and delete it.

Download the correct version of that jar file from HERE and move it in to that bin folder.

That's it, you're done!
Close out of Finder and try to start Minecraft now; It should let you join the server.

For Ubuntu and Linux Mint:
Open Nautilus (or Nemo if you're using Cinnamon 1.6+) and click on the "View" tab and select "Location..." and enter:
Code: [Select]

Just as with the other operating systems, you should see a few different files. Find the one called "minecraft.jar" and delete it.

Download the correct version of that jar file from HERE and move it in to that bin folder.

That's it, you're done!
Close out of Nautilus (or Nemo) and try to start Minecraft now; It should let you join the server.