
Author Topic: Sorry Bknysnake... :(  (Read 7144 times)


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Sorry Bknysnake... :(
« Opened on June 18, 2013, 10:04:33 PM »
Hi Bknysnake,

I feel I owe you an apology for my behavior earlier today over the user name of the player that joined today. I am very argumentative, but do not mean to be. I'm extremely sorry for not just quitting the subject. It would've been better for everyone, and I'm sorry. Please accept my apology. :(


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Re: Sorry Bknysnake... :(
« Reply #1 on June 19, 2013, 03:59:27 AM »
I have a few things I'd like to mention to you.

1- your attitude the other day was rude and disrespectful, no one here is obligated to play here there are millions of other servers, we run things as we do, and we wil have certain problems here and there as all this falls under programing and relying on developers. So if you do not like the way the filter acts you can simply just stop playing till it's fixed. If you do not like something and would like to express your feelings about it, don't do it in game, it interrupts other players and annoys them, you can come to forums, pm me or any other staff member, or simply make a public post, and keep it nice and respectful.

2- You had made 3 posts on a ban plea.... You aren't staff, you don't get to respond in ban plea, if you are caught doing this again you will be banned, so please don't do this again, plea area is only for banned players to plea and staff members to reply bottom line.

I can't stress this enough, but no one is obligated to play here, if you dislike something you can complain as stated above, just don't do it in game, and if we explain why the plugin is the way it is and you want to continue to speak of it, then simply just leave and find another server which suits you. Don't take it out on staff . It really annoys me and many others.

I thank you for you apology and realizing your mistake, but this doesn't change what you did, and it won't be tolerated again, so please just be polite and follow our rules and order. Thank you for making the post.

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Re: Sorry Bknysnake... :(
« Reply #2 on June 19, 2013, 10:00:30 PM »
I do forgive you, as we all make mistakes, its part of being human, but I don't forget. You won't be banned so long you don't continue to post in the plea area, though badbh222 fixed the permissions and you shouldn't be able to reply to posts you didn't create on the plea section.

My forgiveness goes a long way as it acts as I forget, but keep in mind if such situations were to come again, I would remember this moment and take action upon it. It's nothing personal, it's just the way we work here on famcraft.

I understand your curious of why a person would grief you, but honestly finding out why would resolve what? we work more towards a apology and forgiveness method. You have all the right to speak of it in game via /msg, but if the player doesn't want to speak about it you can't obligate them. Also if you keep your items protected it won't be able to be griefed by "non clan members". To prevent clan members from greifing just don't add any one who just joined the server, instead, let them play for a few days, get the feel for them, see their rep on the server, then you can consider them to be part of your clan.

I understand your a curious person, and would like to know stuff, but you have many other options rather than going to public, you can privately /msg a staff in game about it, but they aren't required to share the info, it is forbidden in public and clan chat, if you were to pm me on forums I would be happy to share the info, as for "why they griefed you" just pay attention to the plea section, it's viewable to all. Just don't post there. If the player wasn't able to give a reason, then just assume its a childish act, we tend to forgive players and such.

As for nightwing, if it's a plea your trying to do for him, he would have to do this himself, we don't allow other player to plea for players unless it's a parent.

As I stated above, I do forgive you for what had happened, I tend to forgive everyone :P, but I don't forget, if I forget, then people would just continue to act as they do :P

Thanks again for sharing your concerns, and of course being very respectful as you posted your opinion, this is very important to me as it only shows the person you are in my opinion.

If there is anything else you'd like to talk to me, either make another post, or simply just pm me on forums, PM's get my attention faster and is direct rather than being public as sometimes I tend to skip posts.