
Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 7585 times)

Offline Rundrop

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« Opened on June 21, 2013, 03:16:15 PM (Edited June 21, 2013, 04:34:10 PM) »
I was thinking of a few things that I think would be better on the server, so 1869_Flame got me to make a forum post about it,

For 1 I think we should have weather signs at the mall that let you make it NIGHT and RAINY, I dont know why you would need one for rainy but I have good reasons for a night sign, If you are waiting for it to be night so you can set a home with a bed somewhere, you normaly would have to wait up to 20 minutes, if you could just go to the mall and make it night, you could set your spawn instantly! Or say you have a day-night sensor redstone contraption you want to try out? Or maybe you made a firework show?

Another thing that I think should be on the server is a command like /head or somthing, so that once you type the command and right click on a player skull it would tell you who's head that was, I think this would come in handy at certain times.

I might have more ideas, and if so Ill add onto this post.
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Offline badbh222

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #1 on June 22, 2013, 12:53:54 AM »
For 1 I think we should have weather signs at the mall that let you make it NIGHT and RAINY, I dont know why you would need one for rainy but I have good reasons for a night sign, If you are waiting for it to be night so you can set a home with a bed somewhere, you normaly would have to wait up to 20 minutes, if you could just go to the mall and make it night, you could set your spawn instantly! Or say you have a day-night sensor redstone contraption you want to try out? Or maybe you made a firework show?

If there was a sign to change it to night, there will most definitely be conflicts. Most players prefer working/building in the daylight (if they are outside, of course), when the sun slowly starts setting and they can see it's about to be night time, they can head back to their home/base and do something else to pass the night time in safety. If it were to suddenly become night time, I could imagine they wouldn't be happy, there would be mobs spawning around them and they've lost some of their available working time.

Another thing that I think should be on the server is a command like /head or somthing, so that once you type the command and right click on a player skull it would tell you who's head that was, I think this would come in handy at certain times.

I made this plugin 5 minutes after you had PM'd me with the idea and I had forgot to reply. We will see what the other admins and players think (if they reply) but I imagine it won't be a problem to add this since it doesn't affect gameplay in any way.  :)
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Offline 1869_Flame

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #2 on June 22, 2013, 01:42:23 AM »
Yea i really like that /head idea. Especially around the spawn with that big wall i have no idea who most heads are hehe.

Offline Rundrop

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #3 on June 22, 2013, 10:16:38 AM »
For 1 I think we should have weather signs at the mall that let you make it NIGHT and RAINY, I dont know why you would need one for rainy but I have good reasons for a night sign, If you are waiting for it to be night so you can set a home with a bed somewhere, you normaly would have to wait up to 20 minutes, if you could just go to the mall and make it night, you could set your spawn instantly! Or say you have a day-night sensor redstone contraption you want to try out? Or maybe you made a firework show?

If there was a sign to change it to night, there will most definitely be conflicts. Most players prefer working/building in the daylight (if they are outside, of course), when the sun slowly starts setting and they can see it's about to be night time, they can head back to their home/base and do something else to pass the night time in safety. If it were to suddenly become night time, I could imagine they wouldn't be happy, there would be mobs spawning around them and they've lost some of their available working time.

Another thing that I think should be on the server is a command like /head or somthing, so that once you type the command and right click on a player skull it would tell you who's head that was, I think this would come in handy at certain times.

I made this plugin 5 minutes after you had PM'd me with the idea and I had forgot to reply. We will see what the other admins and players think (if they reply) but I imagine it won't be a problem to add this since it doesn't affect gameplay in any way.  :)

Awesome, I cant wait for /head :D
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The man that goes by many names... Rundrop, Run, RuneDrip, Runderp, Runneth, Runny,  RunPiddle,  RunningDropper, GiantRundrop, Rundropzilla, GiantGumdro

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #4 on June 22, 2013, 12:52:57 PM »
i don't see any harm in it. just a fun add on to check those heads at spawn :P i will like playin with /head too :P