How to create ranks in your clan (needed to make clanbank work)->Please note, the plugin is a bit buggy, so in come cases you cant delete a rank. Try not to use special characters or numbers in rank names or tags. Also avoid color codes! This will prevent any future problems.<-When you look at your
/clan rosterYou will see everybody has the rank "none" so nobody has any rank.

To make a new rank:
/rank create PriorityNumer Tag NameThe priority number is just a fictional number that does nothing yet in the plugin. A good thing is to just pick a number between 1 and 10 where 1 is the highest rank and 10 lowest.
so for example to create a rank called member:
/rank create 10 member memberIn most cases you just want to keep the rank tag and rank name the same.
So now you have made the rank, you can assign it.
To assign the rank to a player:
/rank assign Playername Rankso for example:
/rank assign 1869_Flame member
Alright! you now know how to make ranks and how to assign them.
Clan bankAll clan members can deposit to the clan bank, and see the balance of it.
To let a clan member deposit to the clan bank, the player must write:
/bank deposit NumberWhere the number is the amount of money the player want to donate to the clan bank.
To check the balance of the clan bank, the player can write
/bank balanceTo be able to withdraw money from the bank, you will need to get your ranks set up. Even if you are the clan leader, you still need to set up a rank for yourself to be able to withdraw from the clan bank.
Assuming you made a rank called Member (see above on how to make ranks), you need to set the permission for that rank.
Only for the bank withdraw permission, there is a small bug with the plugin.
So this is how it works:
First you add the permission to that rank like this:
/rank setperm member bank.withdrawWhen a member tests the withdraw now, it still says he does not have permission to use this withdraw command.
So, to get it working, just remove the permission again like this:
/rank removeperm member bank.withdraw
And this is where strange magic happens, when you removed it again from that rank, it actually works now.
Funny thing is, if you actually add the permission to the rank again, it prevents that rank again from using it.
Best to test your ranks before assigning them to a player.