
Author Topic: plea to be unbanned  (Read 5245 times)

Offline IanCreeperStyle

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plea to be unbanned
« Opened on August 04, 2013, 04:02:11 AM »
i first have to tell the story why i took back my bookshelves without permission,
i was at the clan nature, helping out adam (AdamSox) with his new clan. i let him borrow a few of my bookshelves to make a enchanting room and we made a promise that he won't kick me from the clan. after that, i was ranked co-mayor of the clan and i also tried making a public mine for the clan, i asked for permission and he said i can build the mine. after that, i asked for permission to build a nether portal, once again he said yes. so i built the nether portal and some features in the nether. a week later i saw the ranking on the board and he made me a clan farmer! then he destroyed the features in the nether and also the public mine. so i got mad and took my bookshelves back and join an another clan. it is my fault that i didn't warn adam but i think my choice was reasonable and i should be back on the server

Offline bknysnake

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Re: plea to be unbanned
« Reply #1 on August 04, 2013, 05:39:37 AM »
The build was in his house, he reported the grief, doesn't matter if you loaned it, you should have spoken to himself before taking it, you took it out of spite, out of anger, goes to show the person you are. Then after being banned you continue to go on mumble after being asked not to being you were banned, then you felt the need to go on hardcore, I asked you to leave and all you did was give me attitude talking about "its cause it's not my fault." I have news for you, it is your fault, you never bothered to take the books back, now that your mad you want to take it back, you griefed out of anger whether or not you want to believe it, and for your attitude towards me, just shows the person you are, you have no patience, you should have waited calmly. Now you caused a perm ban on all servers and you may not plea for another month. If you do plea after a month, I hope its for an apology rather than saying it isn't your fault.